Hey girls!
Oops, im so sorry I havent posted in like a week or so, life is keeping me busy! :)
I had just the best weekend! There is 1 weekend out of every year that I love more then anything else. That is the weekend of the Heartball.
When I was young, and this weekend took place, I got excited because all of the neighborhood kids and I got the most niaeve babysitter in the neighborhood, and played pranks on her all night long...FUN!
However, as I got older, I fell even more in love with this particular weekend because I was finally asked as a 13 year old to take pictures at the Heartball!!
My parents have been attending since I can remember, along with everyone else in and around Salisbury! It is a wonderful cause, and a wonderful event! My mother was on the committee the first year I got to participate, and oh my gosh it was just the most amazing night of my life! Seeing all of my neighbors in one place so beautiful and sociable, it just makes life that much better!
It is held at our Country Club, and it is a beautiful time!
This year, my best friend T, and I were asked to take photographs! TI was so excited, because when the two of us pair up, its always an adventure! Trust me, y'all, this event fell nothing short of one of the best nights of the year!
T picked me up at 7:00 and we were at the club a short time after. When we got there the cute valet parkers from Catawba College parked our car for us, and from the second the doors opened, to the time the last car was pulled up (which was ours!, haha) we had a great time! We went around and took pictures for about 2 hours, and then it was time to have fun. We know the club staff well, they are wonderful people and so since they know our parents and we were in a safe place they made us cosmopolitans and rum and cokes. We walked around and mingled with everyone for a few hours, and the band was amazing.
I was in the midst of talking to my 85 year old neighbor, Richard, and as he was telling me about his dog that died, I spotted my neighbors T, and S. I was hurting for Richard because he lost his poor dog, and he seemed so distraught...well that was until he told me it was 23 years ago...okay, I needed a damn drink, seriously! Im sorry you lost your dog, get a new one! It was 23 years ago, I lost my mind during that conversation, and it was going to take nothing short of a Gin & Tonic to get it back! Well, T and S came over to say hey, because we dont see them much! The 4 of us ended up getting a table and ordering drinks...then we all told our life stories to each other! It was too funny, and granted the next day, T and S never talked to T or myself again, the night was so fun! The 4 of us made it into the Heartball scrapbook, so T and I felt like we were attending ourselves! SO fun! Then, as I got up to go to the bathroom, my neighbor T, came with me and was talking to me about being a reporter, when I came out of the stall she was doing an impersenation of Diane Sawyer on the sink! HAHA! She drew quite a crowd! After that, the dance was almost over, so T and I shagged a few times, and then it was time to go! On the way out, so many of the great people in my neighborhood were asking me about school, and we were just making small talk! I was suprised I had stayed so composed because I was feelin a little tipsy! Those talks mean so much to me though, because I really do love all of the adults in my neighborhood! As we were leaving, B, our favorite bartender, fixed me one last drink, and then T and I snuck into the bar closet and closed our tabs by purchasing a gallon of Vodka, and Rum! Also, my substitute teacher from highschool, who YES gave me a detention once was there! She is english and so so cute! Shes probably in her 60's but I swear moves like shes in her 20's! She kept coming up to me telling me that she was a dancer, and to watch her "groovin'" moves! BOY did she have a routine! So what if she knocked down 3 glasses of wine, and a vase, seeing her routine was worth it! Her sister and herself used to preform the exact routine in NYC back in their prime, as she put it! I told her to go the hell back, she could be famous! Well, she was famous that night! I really loved seeing her! Going back to the vodka, and rum T and I bought...AHH, our parents wont like that bill, but you know our favorite bartender said it was on the house...please I know he knows our account numbers :) ! Even though I got a little fun, nothing about that night in my mind was a mistake, I had the time of my life! I cant wait to get more involved in charities one day (not just for the parties that come with it, for all the right reasons as well) and I truly thank my mother for showing me how much it can help to stay involved!
Here are some pictures!