Hey girls!
I have been on a blogging hiatus for a few weeks, my laptop broke at the beginning of the summer, and I have just not had the time to send it off! Our school computers block blogging...and facebook! AHH!
I have been making due with my roommates MAC, and of course my trusty Blackberry Storm!
This summer has been the best summer of my life, I have really grown, and accomplished a lot of my goals thus far! Basically, school sucks, and is truly not my cup of tea...AT ALL! BUT, I did make a 100% in my class this summer, and am currently finishing up the second mini session, a history class that literally makes me want to run off to Hollywood, get discovered, and show my dear parents that college was not necessary for me...none the less, I do love the school I am finishing up at in Wilmington, and have made some great friends! There is always a positive side to everything, but really my goals are becoming more and more evident to me, and I finally see what I want, and where I want to be.
I will start back to when I quit blogging last! SO much to tell all of you!
In June, I got a call from Wrightsville Beach Magazine, and I was so excited! I was just about to move to Wilmington, an they wanted me to come in and do a photoshoot as a print model! At that point, I was about to start working for Lumina News, and Wrightsville Beach Magazine is partnered with the Lumina News. None of us put that together until the day I arrived for the photo shoot!
I had my hair done at
Harbour Club Day Spa in
Lumina Station! They were very sweet, and I now use them to get my hair done! Everyone working was so friendly, and happy! I absolutely loved having my hair and make-up done!
I was featured in the June 2010 Issue in an article called "About Face".
Just two weeks ago, I flew up to LaGuardia Airport in NEW YORK CITY! AKA, my favorite place in the world! I had been e-mailing JCrew for 6 months, and finally got the opportunity to do a go-see for modeling! I would of course work in print modeling!
As I arrived in New York City, I took a cab from LaGuardia into the city to photoshoot #1. This photoshoot was for Citizens People, and they spent 3 hours with me, and a few others who had agents and resumes, and took pictures. Basically, if a company sees my picture, I get a call, and a paycheck if it is something I would like to be a model for! This was a very exciting and promising opportunity! What a perk!
After the first photoshoot, I met up with Robin, my boss from Haute PR last Summer, and good friend of mine, as well as Janie who I was staying with! Janie is interning in SoHo for a childrens book publishing company! She is very driven, and I cannot wait to see where she is in 10 years! Robin is still CEO of Haute PR, and doing an excellent job! It was so good to be back at "work" for 2 days! We went to eat at Tao, a wonderful restaurant with the best Mango Martinis this girl has ever had! Love them both, and it was so good to see them!
Later as the trip progressed, the go-see approached! I was so very excited!
As I got to the Corporate office of JCrew, I went in, portfolio in hand, and met who I had been waiting to meet for quite some time...it was the most exciting experience I have ever had! I ended up doing a photo shoot, and taking many test shots! After it was all said and done, I signed with them, and basically this means that whenever something comes avaliable that they can use me for, I get a phone call, and fly up there and we DO WORK!
I am so so excited about this, it is all so random, but I know that this is what I want to do, and where I want to be! Life is too short to do anything but be happy! I truly believe God has a great path for everyone, and the one he has for me is very non traditional, and I will continue to work my little ass off until it gets me to the top of where and what I am supposed to be!
I love love love where I am at right now! I am going to keep pushing and climb higher! I think of JCrew as a stepping stone, and there is more to come, I will never never never give up, or stop! I enjoy the whole journey, and each thing I do, I remember to thank God, and keep pushing, after all, he didn't give me all of this energy for nothing! :)
After the go-see I took a cab over to Gold St, where my good friend S was, and met him to see his new apartment! As I got out of the cab, I left my FAVORITE black dress in the back! I could have DIED! AHHH! I have been looking in every Ann Taylor I see, and havent found a replacement, but atleast someone's day was hopefully made when they found the dress...needless to say, I was none too happy!
S also lived with me last summer, and is now a great investment banker! He lives in the financial district, and his apartment is unreal! I fell in love with it! From the roof, we had a view of the entire city, and could pinpoint each area! It was fabulous! We spent the day wandering all around the city! We went from the Financial district to midtown, Times Square, Rockafellar Center (where we invaded the LEGO STORE, and it was AMAZING!) They have EVERY color, and design you could ever imagine! However, I was taken back when I saw the "vintage people" on sale for $10.00, and, s'cuse me, those were the lego people I PLAYED WITH! YIKES! VINTAGE?!
Anyways, after the lego store, we walked to Greenwich Village, Lower West Side, Lower East Side, and then into Chinatown (where we had some wonderful chinese tea, thank you S for introducing me to a new favorite!), and then to canal St (which S had never been to, but could talk those street sellers down in price like nothing I have ever seen...he is a banker, it is his specialty!), after that, we met up with Janie, and took the Subway back to his place!
The next morning, S and I woke up at 4:45 to go see Lady Gaga at the Today Show! I didnt realize the stage was so tiny! 4 blocks were blocked off, 18,000 people were there...and yes it was a bigger crowd than "Beiber Fever" haha!
S and I stood beside the flags in the back, across from the Lego Store for the first hour, and we saw her preform "Alejandro" (excuse the spelling!), and "Bad Romance"! She was AWESOME, and freaking TINY in person! Then by 6:30 we decided to walk around and see the stage! I ended up pressed, struggling for air, against a brick wall while some of the largest bitches tried to push their way through the crowd...oh also some kid threw up due to fear of crowds...FOOL, dont come out then! I was disgusted, still though, I had to see Lady Gaga,
...or did I?!
It got to be about 8:30 when she still hadnt come out to warm up, and since we had already seen her once, we decided to head over to "Good Morning America" to see the love of my life, Sam Champion!
Well, we got there, and the show had already moved to Central Park for their concert, but I did see that if you arrive at 6:45, you can go into the studio...thats what i'll be doing next time! I would also LOVE to see Kathie Lee and Hoda!
After that, S went back home for a nap, and I headed to the agents office I had an appointment with at 10! I stopped in some stores along the way to kill time, and met a bunch of new people! Everyone I met was from down South...so cool!
The agent I met with was great, but wanted me to re-do headshots so they could make $ off of them...I just had mine done, so politely declined, and said I would come back the next time I was in the city! I love my agent here in NC, and dont need a new one just yet.
Loved the Today Show, loved Lady Gaga, and loved walking arounf NYC at the earliest hour of the morning! Great day!
The next week, I took my resume and headshot by every casting office in Wilmington, and have been getting calls about extra work with One Tree Hill. I was supposed to shoot today, but of course had class! Its okay though, im hoping for more opportunities! Its all so exciting!
On another note, on Tuesday and Wednesday, JL, and C came down to visit! We met our friend MH for dinner at Bridgetender! It was so good for all of us to get together! We had a great visit! MH is about to head out to Cali, and C is about to head to Boone...JL and I are in Wilmington, so it was good to hear everyones plans! We are all doing new and exciting things, and its very different than being in school in Raleigh...very bittersweet!

Saturday my cousins and I went out to the beach bars! There was a surf competition at the beach that weekend, and so they were packed! Especially Reddogs because thats where the after party was! I ended up at 22 North! My roommate stayed with me at the condo, and our other roommate and her boyfriend met us out! I was so happy she was in Wilmington for the weekend, it was a perfect surprise!
Everyone surprised me in the bar and started posing as models yelling congratulations...I couldnt stop laughing, so funny! I am pretty sure I pulled a muscle in my neck...After a few G&T's our poses looked more painful then pretty, but always good times! It was so fun! I absolutely loved seeing SB & JB, and all of their friends...much needed reunion!
Also, my mother and sister just left for a mission trip to Jamaica, they will be gone for a week, and I am so excited (and a little jealous of) for them!
I have gotten to know so many great people from work this summer! I started working as a hostess a few weeks ago, and I am loving it! The people are all around my age, and we all have a great time. Its a perfect summer job, and its nicer than an internship because IT PAYS! I will keep you posted on that! Its been wonderful!
Thats been my life lately, its been a crazy, wonderful few months! I move next week into my new condo, and cannot wait! I hope you have all been well! I will be catching up on blogs from here on...so looking forward to reading what you have all been doing!
Have a great Monday!