Hey girls!
I just finalized tickets with my good friend, T, to attend this event on May 1st! I am so excited! We both think it will be a great way to meet people in Wilmington, and a perfect excuse to dress up!
Is anyone going?!
I absolutely love Mint Julieps, and I love love love meeting new people!
I love attending any type of social event, and so this Mint Juliep Party will be wonderful!
Also, on May 8th, which is also my birthday, I am going to the Tanglewood Steeplechase, too! I am attending the Steeplechase with Port Southern! It is going to be a great birthday, and a great month!
May is going to be incredibly busy, but in a good way.
-May 1st Mint Juliep Party/ Make A Wish Ball
-May 8th My Birthday!
-May 17th Internship/Classes start!
SO excited!