Thank you so much for the tag, Preppy Southern Princess!
Here are my Seven Random Things!
1.) I am ambidextrous
I dont know if I spelled that right, but yes I do use both hands for everything. I usually write with my right hand, and do everything else with my left hand. I have always been able to do most everything but write with both hands.
2.) I am madly in love with Lucas Grabeel!
YES! I am! He plays in High School Musical as Ryan, and most people love Zac Efron...pshh Lucas is where its at! If I met him tomorrow and he asked...id marry him!
3.) I can memorize any rap song after hearing it one time!
If I could do this with Chaucer, or Shakespeare I would be set in college! I can memorize any song for that matter after one listen, movies too! Its weird.
4.) I was an absolute angel in High School and regret it.
I never drank, smoked, did anything wrong...EVER. I kind of wish I had done one crazy thing, but I didn't! I was friends with people that did, but peer pressure never got to me. I am having my fun in college. For some reason though, it was never appealing to me, and still really isnt.
5.) I met Ben Stein and we had a very random conversation for 30 minutes.
I met Ben Stein at a Chamber of Commerce event here in Raleigh, I was working with News 14 and he was speaking at the event. We went backstage in hopes of an interview and he told me I was beautiful, and he would look for me on TV. He also said he had been to my hometown and eaten at a Waffle House haha! We talked about the economy, and he did his Bueller Impression!
6.) I have to look at my hands to tell my left from right!
This is so sad, but I just cant do it!! I have freckles on my right hand, and my drivers ed teacher, Doris, always thought I was cheating when I would drive because I would look at my hands when she said make a left or right turn. I know my left and right, but I have never let a dermatologist take off those spots on my right hand...ya know just in case I happen to forget one day! Haha!
7.) I have dated way to many people and I have impossibly high standards!
I go to dinner, parties, dances with alot of nice guys, but in the end none of them ever last very long. My friends give me a hard time because they get mad that I date so many and don't stick with one. I feel badly about it, but I have really only dated one that I regret losing!
There ya go!