Hey girls!
As you all know, I post my 5 favorite things whenever I get the chance! I would love to do my top 5 every week, but sometimes they just dont change, or I get so busy!
This week is my week though, im finally caught up!

1. My Volvo S40!
I've had this car for almost 10 months now, and love it! Its made a lot different than the S80 and its easier to park! I named my new little beauty queen "Vivi"!
Long story short, my Volvo S80 decided to keel over and die on the side of I-40 during a cold winter night on the way to the beach!
Ironically, we were going to celebrate Thanksgiving!
Nevertheless, she will be missed dearly, as will the monogram sticker she took down with her! She was a big gal, but so fun to drive!
Nevertheless, she will be missed dearly, as will the monogram sticker she took down with her! She was a big gal, but so fun to drive!
I ended up looking at a few S60's and S40's, because the S80 is so big! Maybe ill switch back when im a mom! For now, the S40 is the perfect little fit!
OMG so as I said it was a cold, cold November night when my sister, her friend A, and I were so thrilled about getting to the beach for Thanksgiving!
As we were driving, my mother was behind us with all the luggage! She passed us while we were "stranded", and shortly after she saw us, being 11pm at night, she found the nearest...truck stop! Its all that was out there, the beach takes us through the COUNTRY on I-40...not cool!
She called for a tow truck, and...Oh, we got a tow truck!
30 minutes later, while the girls and I were praying, and eating morsols of crackers and water in the middle of BFE, the tow truck FINALLY got there, and umm...it was sketch!
Let me just say that I stayed pretty calm...until I met "Earl".
Earl was the tow truck driver, ugly as sin, and had the mouth of a sailor! He looked EXACTLY like the man from "The Lovely Bones" I was fearin' for my life.
Earl was the tow truck driver, ugly as sin, and had the mouth of a sailor! He looked EXACTLY like the man from "The Lovely Bones" I was fearin' for my life.
He told us to climb in the truck and wait while he hooked up my precious pearl to the truck. When we got into the truck, which took wayy to much effort, we didnt like what we saw! Getting in, there was one step which I had to climb a freakin' mountain to get onto, and then get in the truck! The seats were fold out seats which nobody realized...thanks Earl! We fell out a few times, and poor A had to ride in the front!
Earl was blasting heavy metal all the way to the dealership, where we dropped my car off, and then climbed in with madre, and made it to the beach!

2. Shirley Q Liquor
Actual Website!
3. Tortoise Shell Eyeglasses!

4. Lilly Pulitzer Golfcart!

This is the golfcart I want at my wedding! I love love love it! Maybe i'll ride it down the isle!
5. Preppy Men!