Hey girls!
For the 4th of July, K, J, and I woke up at 4:30am to catch the Hampton Jitney at 6am to head out to the Hamptons!
We boarded the bus, and it wasnt full at all, which was good because we had a lot of room!
During the trip, our driver and his assistant were screaming about someones wife, and laughing until they couldnt breathe...it was really funny because then "professionally" the assistant would get on the Jitneytalky and say "Good morning, folks. We will be stopping at East Hampton shortly...blah blah blah!" but it was so funny to see him transition from an actual person to a robot with a rehearsed speech!
Then, he was walking up and down the isles with Otis Spunkymeyer Muffins! I was so excited because I was starved! I chose blueberry, and had a grin from ear to ear! I was really excited eating my miniature sized goodness, until I heard the driver tell his assistant his DUNKIN DOUGHNUTS BAGEL looked delicious...WHAT! All I got was an Otis Spunkymeyer Muffin, and he had a bagel, which I could smell 4 rows back! NO FAIR! Oh well, my tiny muffin was good enough! I was really perky at 6am if you couldnt tell!
Then, we are still riding, and I am just admiring everything I see! For a split second, as the girls are using their beach towels as a cover, I ask myself if I packed mine! After all, it was 4 o'clock in the morning, and I had to make sure the mint juleps...and snacks were packed first!
I told myself, yeah I packed it, I just couldnt go through my bag because HELLO it was packed full!
Well, when we get to our stop, Janie had already called to reserve a cab, shes so on top of the game! We see this less than attractive man waiting in a wife beater and jorts yelling "JAMIE, JAMIE!" she says, umm excuse me, im Janie. He says "JAMIE". After 20 minutes of him second guessing our expertise, he realizes he wrote the name down wrong...we go to get in the Amagatizi Taxi, and journey to the beach! I notice beautiful houses and stores on the way, but somehow I just couldnt take my eyes off of this man singing to his Michael Jackson Tribute Album in the front seat! It was gonna be a great day, I was so happy!!!
Then, we pull up, there it was, the beach I have dreamed about my whole life, the creame of the crop, the HAMPTONS!
Our chauffeur, as I like to call him, pulled up beside the '09 Mercedes, and the decked out Vespa, and honked quite loudly for the gorgeous lacoste family of 5 to get out of the way of our land whale!
We got out of the cab, and I am oblivious to the fact that we just pulled up in the oldest Lincoln town car known to man, and all of these people are pulling up in their new Mercedes, it was too funny!! I didnt care though, we were at the Hamptons, I had my 2 bffs, and my bag of mint juleps, I was PUMPED!
The cab dropped us off, and AHHH yes it happened, our chauffer got OUT of the cab to collect his fare. That drew a bit more attention, but I was grinning from ear to ear, because YES I had made it! I was Hamptons Bound!
We got to the beach, and we were laying out our towels, I was so excited for my much needed nap (I get cranky), when NOOOOO, I didnt have my towel! It was sitting on my desk back at the hotel...great Katie! Smart one!
I proceeded to think fast as K, and J were getting in position for one of the best naps they would ever have, on the beach at the hamptons on their gigantic beach beds! I decided, hey I have a black dress on for a cover up, towel anyone?! YES it was! I laid on my dress all day long! I know, I know, really how could I forget my towel!? BUT the dress worked just as well, and it was effective in keeping sand off of half of my body at all times!
HAHA, it was too funny, you just have to make the most of a situation like that because the day was too good of a day to get frustrated!
I swear though, the first thing im gonna do when I get out of college is open a "Wings" in the Hamptons! Classy, yes, I know, but it is so needed! I really could have bought a "Corona Light" Beach towel, and brought a whole new meaning to the word class! On second thought, a little black dress, or a corona towel, ill stick with my dress! The girls had really cute and colorful towels, it was too funny! I would use my dress all summer long though for just one more day in the Hamptons!
We laid on the beach from 8:30am to 5:00pm. It was just the most beautiful day! I woke up from my morning nap around 11, to the beautiful site of a kid spitting sunflower seeds a little close to my dress towel! Apparently there is a summer camp for kids, which makes good sense, and of course the kids were all so cute! They all looked like they were having a good time!
Around 11:30, I saw it, I saw CRAIG'S ICE CREAM STAND! AHHH! I thought I was in Heaven, but now, I knew!
I got J, and we went to check it out...first I got lunch because the Otis Spunkymyer Muffin, to my surprise, wore off quickly! I had two hotdogs, and a Dr. Pepper, again, pure Heaven! J had a really good wrap, and K had hotdogs too! AHH So much fun!
After lunch, as usual, I was still hungry (one day I fear obesity!) so I went to the ice cream stand and got myself a STACKED ice cream sunday! It had sprinkles, chocolate syrup, the works! AHH!
That got me revved up, and energetic so I was ready to stick my big toe in the water! The girls and I walked down, and OMG the water was just freezing! Kids and parents everywhere were swimming in it though, I dont know how they did it! It was so refreshing to stick my feet in though, it cooled me off! Then, we walked down the beach and i swear we saw Hugh Hefner walking! We also saw some of the most beautiful houses I have ever seen, and got cute cute pictures!
A little later on into the day, it was around 5, and we decided to change and go in for dinner! We ate at the CUTEST place, and on the way we took another sketchy cab van! The guy drove us 2 miles and charged 10 a person, so we were going broke, and fast! The cabs are cash only, and I had NO CLUE where an ATM was! At the restaurant, I was so excited because we got to sit outside, AND they had drink specials! Much to our surprise we actually drank nothing all day prior because of the heat, it just wouldnt have been worth it to drink in the Hamptons, too much to take in, no need to be tipsy!
At dinner, though, we had Arnold Palmers, and K had this awesome looking 4th of July Margarita! It looked almost as good as it tasted!
I kept the menu because it had really cool facts about the Hamptons on it! I was so excited!
After that, we took our final cab to the bus stop! The old lady driving this cab was really cool! She was playing some song I loved from the 80's on the radio and of course I was singing along! We struck up a great conversation about 80's music, it was an enjoyable time, I always love good music!
Then, we got to the bus stop, and boarded the early bus around 6:30! I loved loved loved riding on that bus! We got potato chips on the way back with lemonade! The assistant this time was not half as friendly as last time, for starters he was rude! My roommate was telling me a very important story and we are listening to Rascal Flatts on J's iPod, when all of the sudden, just as it was getting to my solo, he comes up and tells us to "be quiet"! Excuse me, I was whispering! Im sorry if my singing isnt good enough for me to go to the front of the bus and do a diddy on the universal jitneytalky, geez! It was kind of embarrassing! I sung silently the rest of the way home! He kept eying us, and then proceeded, after getting everyone's credit information, to DROP his credit machine on my roommates foot! AHH! He lost all of his info, crazy fool!
We got dropped off around 8:30 at our original stop, and decided to walk home! By now, we were all feeling the burn of the sun that day, and my legs, already blistered, couldnt make it! I tried to open up my swollen face and tell the girls, but like I said, I was blistered from head to toe...I used a whole bottle of sunscreen! K felt the same though, so she got a cab for us! We could see all of the beautiful fireworks from the Jitney, but then got closer when we got to the hotel! We watched them out the window as we put aloe on our poor skin! I swear I feel bad, and my heart truly goes out to burn victims, I cant imagine! Brave people, I really felt like someone was stabbing me over and over! I was in so much pain! I hate sunburn! My skin really just cant handle the sun, sunscreen doesnt do the trick!
It was all worth it though, I wouldnt trade it for the world!
Then, after fireworks, we all went to bed after a long, wonderful, day! I will remember that day forever!
The Hamptons is truly a dream, and I could get lost there any day of the week!