The new show "Parenthood" is based off of the movie, "Parenthood".

It airs at 8pm every Tuesday night on NBC!
If you missed the premier, you can watch the episodes here!
Last night, I watched Tuesdays premier online. I have been so excited to see the show for weeks! The previews looked great, and not to mention the cast is perfect!
I cant wait for next week!
In all seriousness, the show was truly one of the best shows i've ever seen.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE Modern Family, too, but Parenthood is just as good.
They are both such fun shows to watch, not filled with drama, or sadness!
They're filled with goodness, and depict what real people act like.
Parenthood, in my opinion, is truly the best show on TV right now.
It made me laugh, smile, and even cry! It was SO good!
I feel like everyone can relate to someone in the show, and the actors all did such a great job!
Personally, one day, I hope to be like Monica Potters character! Shes such a funny mom, and I loved her outfits! Also, her husband's so cute! He was adorable! I dont know what else I have ever seen him in, but hes such a fun dad on the show!At the end when he was a pirate with his cute son, that had me in tears! SO sweet!
I can't wait to buy the first season on DVD just as soon as it comes out.