Hey girls!
So, recently, with my crazy schedule with this new job, I have had a good bit of down time!
I was reading People Magazine the other day when a show on Showtime called "the big C" was mentioned! I have never really seen the show, but it has one of my very favorite actress', Laura Linney! Also, my favorite Simon Birch actor, Oliver Platt!
It portrays how Cathy (played by Laura Linney) battles her stage 4 melanoma with humor, and living her life to the fullest!
Of course, I had to watch it!
Also, the show stars Gabbie Sidibe, better known as "Precious" in a hilarious role as one of Linney's students with a bad ass attitude!

Its a wonderful show with a great message in every episode!
Y'all should watch it, if you haven't yet!