Hey girls!
I hope everyone had a great weekend!
I went to Salisbury Saturday morning to pick up a few things. It is the last time I will get the chance to go home for for quite a while! It was such a fun trip, as always! I interviewed with Interact last week, and loved it so I start volunteering with them the 1st of March. They will train me every Saturday of the month from 9am to 5pm! It will be quite the experience, but I absolutely cannot wait to learn everything. I am very excited to get the opportunity to volunteer with such a great place, and anything to do with kids is obviously amazing and worth anyones time! I personally just cannot wait to attain the information I will learn in training just for my personal knowledge! It will certainly come in handy when Project Santa rolls around, and you never know who or what you will run into everyday, so it helps to have the knowledge on how to help others! I just cannot wait to do this. The sweetest people work at Interact and after a lot of thought and prayer, it just seems like the best time for me to do something like this.
This weekend, I had to pick up these cute Lilly's my sweet mother ordered for me for the Spring time! I could not be more excited! I have wanted the Lilly Goin' Banana's dress FOREVER, and I finally found it! I was ecstatic! I also got a pink halter dress. I have one in blue, but its a tad too big! I really need to go get it taken in! I went through all of my Spring clothes on Saturday because I just love getting them ready. Sadly, my monogram black dress has a bad zipper so I will need to buy a new one, or get a new zipper put in. Most people would just buy a new one, but this dress just fits so perfect, and I have had it forever, I hate just to toss it! All of my dresses are ready to go! During the spring, I just wear dresses because it is so much easier than pairing together an outfit! I am praying the rest of this month goes by fast so that I can finally wear dresses everyday instead of big bulky vests! I love the style for every season, but after a while it is time for a change!
Speaking of change, it has been so warm here for the past few days! I have loved it!
My roommate and I have taken full advantage of the weather and begun walking again! We decided we are going on a health kick! We are going to start running 2 miles (instead of our usual walk) each night, followed by 100 sit ups, and 100 push ups. I want to try this for a month! Also, I am only drinking water, and of course the occasional Diet Sun drop! Also, we went to the grocery store last night and stocked up on fruit and healthy foods! One great trick I learned is to drink warm water with a hint of lemon juice each morning, because according to Web MD, that is healthy and helps curb appetite! I broke my kick already though! My friend K had her big nursing exam today, so she is staying in Raleigh with us tonight and I still had a $50 gift card for PF Chang's from Christmas so I mean we HAD to use it! It was so good! I always get this big steak (I can use that to my advantage because I need it for my B12 haha!) marinated in something Chinese! Then we got their lettuce wraps, absolutely amazing!!
For Valentines Day, obviously, since I broke up with E I went from having 1 Valentine to 14! The girls and I made fun V-Day plans! We are going shopping and then afterwards, we made reservations and this great new restaurant called Brio at Crab tree and 15 of us are going to have a Valentines dinner together! Apparently there is karaoke, and my friend D swears she is either going to sing "I will Always Love You!", or "Single Ladies" to our table! I personally pray to God that she doesn't do either! After dinner, we are all going to see Shopaholic! I can't wait to see that, it looks so cute!
I personally have never been a huge fan of Valentines Day, even if I had a Valentine. I will say that stores have the prettiest stuff on sale in red for the Holiday, but I don't like all the pressure one day can put on someone! I think everyday should be a good day when you are with someone, not just celebrated one day of the year!
Last year, I made it a huge deal and ordered a red Lilly to wear to dinner with my now ex boyfriend, so I guess Valentines is a good excuse to buy a new dress! Although, I broke up with him 3 days before...with good reason, don't judge girls! I kept the dress, and he had dinner with his parents where he claimed he "paid months in advance" for our reservations. Like I said...for good reason!
I am so so so proud of my brother! He got accepted at a college he will absolutely love! He may even play soccer! He has the option of playing soccer at 2 schools, and I am just so excited for him! He is one of a kind and just makes friends with everyone so quickly! We never know who is going to walk in our house, its always a new surprise! haha! I am so happy that he will get to play something he loves in college, and a good friend of his from High School actually plays soccer at this school too! GO SAM! He will be close to me too, which makes it all the much better! I love when he and his friends come to visit! The older we get, the closer we have gotten.
Lastly, I keep getting this cray tag on Facebook to list 30 random things about moi! I am just going to do it on this blog because it is much more fun!
1. I have read and highlighted over 50 etiquette books!
I love collecting them, and plan on devoting an entire bookshelf to them one day when I move into a permanent house! I want to color coordinate them, and get as many editions of Emily Post as I can!
2. I love to do mission trips, and if I had the chance to re live the mission trip to Reynosa, Mexico that I took with TWAM when I was a senior in High School, I would do it 100 times over!
The people I went with, and met were just each such a blessing in my life! I absolutely loved every minute of it! Oh my gosh, we had such a fun time! We spent hours shoveling concrete, getting lost, and trying to speak Spanish! It was so so funny because, none of us knew Spanish! I will never forget my friend going to say hey to this adorable little girl, and instead of saying hey, she said something like "I ran over your cat!" AHH! It was so funny, poor kid! Eventually we picked up on some Spanish, and it was so much fun! The little girl came back the next day, so I am guessing she knew we were absolutely ignorant when it came to Spanish!
3. Earth Wind & Fire is my favorite band! I could dance to them all night long! Lets Groove, Sing a Song, and September are my 3 favorite songs!
4. Lil Wayne is my favorite singer! I know, not very classy, but something about his voice, I just love it! I actually tried to make his picture the back ground on my computer yesterday, and I got a virus, maybe God is tryin' to tell me somethin'! I had to take it to tech services, and of course I took a friend with me, but the lady that helped me was DYING! I was too, I mean I sounded ridiculous! She was like "Girl, your white and blond, are you kidding!"...No, no i'm not! I love Lil Wayne!
5. I was almost abducted (last summer) and had a "stalker" (our cable guy, this past semester). During both incidents, I was wearing a Lilly Dress! Also, those were the scariest times of my life! I like to share the stories though to keep other people aware.
6. I had a bad car wreck at the end of my Freshman year, and was also wearing a Lilly Dress! Such a "Katie" story! I just have to share!
Nurse Ralph was about to cut my Lilly off in the ambulance, (GASP!) when CLEARLY it was tied in a knot that he could have UNTIED! So I hoisted myself up (in an ugly and uncomfortable neck brace), grabbed his scissors right out of his hand and loudly said, "EXCUSE ME NURSE RALPH, DON'T CUT MY LILLY DRESS!" His eyes got as big as pineapples and he swore he wouldn't cut the Lilly! I later apologized, and blamed the pain medication the were pumping in me! Here I am, just cut out by the Jaws of Life, rescued by Fireman Chad (he was so adorable, no rush on the rescue!) and then put in this ambulance being asked all of these questions! I should tell you I wrecked in the middle of the ghetto on Cemetery Street wile attempting to take a short cut to get closer to home, just waiting semi-consciously for the fireman to cut me, and the poor lady in the Volvo who collided with me, out. These kids in the neighborhood apparently had taken her stop sign down...for fun! So neither of us had one! We were both totally fine, but we hit a telephone pole, and flipped upside down...it was wild! I like to think that the brightest part of that night was that blue Lilly I had on, I just couldn't let him cut it!
7. I am 5'5 with blue eyes and blond hair. I sometimes wish I could be 5'11!
8. I love where I attend school, I think it is the cutest place on earth and there really is no where else like it! All of my Meredith Angels have become my sisters! It really is like a little piece of Heaven here!
9. I learned to Shag when I was 10, and my friends secretly signed me up to be on the board of the Shag Club here! I thank them every day! I love shaggin'
10. I make to-do lists every day, and have to accomplish everything on them.
11. I get spray on tans and love them! In fact, I want to by the shower tanner!
12. I love to run, and I made it to States my senior year in HS. My fasted 5k time was 19:53
13. My mom really is my hero! I have never, and will never meet anyone else as graceful and faithful as she is!
14. Lilly Pulitzer makes me smile like nothing else can! She and her products are absolutely beautiful! Her books are so much fun, and her dresses can make anybody light up!
15. My best friends from High School are very dear to my heart, they are all 2 years ahead of me, and great inspiration to the way life should be lived! I could go 10 years without seeing those girls, and pick right back up where we left off...but we would never do that!
16. When I get bored, I apply for internships!
17. My 3 favorite foods are BBQ and sweet tea, spinach, pineapple, and tomato pizza, and the Salad Pizza from a restaurant in my hometown called DJ's.
18. I love to shoot skeet, and go surfing when I get the chance, although sadly I don't look like I would do either! I used to go to Surf camp at Wrightsville Beach and once made it on the front page of the beach magazine with everyone!
19. I love Bobbi Brown Make-Up!
20. I was a Southern Debutante
21. I collect koozies, and have over 20 but only ever use 1 of them!
22. I absolutely love to laugh and watch other people laugh! It is the absolute best medicine!
23. I am a high strung individual, and am not at all afraid to say exactly what I think...if it is the right place, and the right time! I don't look like I would be high strung!
24. I have had 2 speeding tickets! Fortunately the Visine eye drops worked the 3rd time I got pulled! ;)
25. I am the Vineyard Vines Whale Rep for my college and absolutely love it!
26. I only wear my coach sunglasses on top of my head, I never wear them on my face.
27. I am obsessed with movies and music! I love knowing every song and movie that I can!
28. If I could memorize Shakespeare the way that I can memorize my etiquette books, or rap songs, I would be in perfect shape!
29. I love everything pink and green!
30. I love God, my family, my friends, Jergens, and Lilly more than anything in this world! They are all so so special to me! Mainly the first 3, but the last 2 I just had to mention!
I hope you all have a great Monday!