Hey girls!
Tonight, actually all of today was just wonderful!
I had class from 9:30 to 1:40. Then I came home and got ready to go intern! I didn't know what it would hold today because there wasn't a lot going on.
I got to go out with the photographer I usually go with, and we started by...hahaha! Going to see a sign put up by PETA over a bridge on the highway that said "Thanksgiving is Murder on Turkeys!!"...bitch please! I take pride in helping eat a 22 pound turkey every year! They are suggesting "Tofu Turkey", and also say "Lets make the holidays a celebration of life, and not about a murdered tortured bird on your table this year!!"...again, bitch please! I have, and always will eat a turkey! This was all on the press release, which I just wanted to frame for a good laugh. I do agree with PETA in the stance that animal cruelty is wrong, but I just don't know, I love my Thanksgiving turkey!
When we got there, there were 2 cop cars, and we asked where the sign was, and they said they were not allowing PETA to put it up! I leaned out of the live truck and said, please tell me you are a Turkey fan?! He said, girl I eat a 22 pounder every year!
Thanksgiving is wonderful, and turkey is so good, maybe tofu turkey next year...
Anyways so after that we went to Kenley, NC to meet a reporter there to attend a funeral for a victim of a tornado earlier that week. It was the absolute sweetest, saddest, and also shortest funeral I have ever attended!
On the way, we had to stop for gas, so unfortunately, we stopped at "Big Bills Home Away From Home Truck Stop"...YAY!
I really had to buy a phone car charger because my phone died and so while the photographer was getting gas, I tra-la-la-la-la'd my way into the truck stop in my black dress and pink scarf! Im not scared! Well, then a nice man in camo that looked an awful lot like Daniel Boone held the door for me and said "here ya go pretty lady". I just smiled and said thanks, I had little to no other options because, I was in Hickville USA and I didn't have my diva defense...I just wanted to get my phone charger and get the hell outta there!
I ended up buying my charger, and standing in line for 10 minutes just looking around at all that Big Bills had to offer.
When we got to Kenley, it was such a small town, I just love small towns! I want to research and pick a really small one to live in after I graduate so I can start fresh! Also, its much easier to be well known in a small town, I will gladly take on the role of "town celebrity"...really its no hassle at all!
Anyways, so when we went into the funeral home, I noticed that the reporter from ABC 11 had my yellow JCrew coat, so right after we entered the church, I looked at her and said "I know this isn't the time or place, but I have that coat, and I too am a fan of JCrew!" She looked and me and smiled and we talked about how great the coat fit us, until a lady in front of me gave me a glare! I cant blame her though...whoops! It truly was a beautiful funeral, and when the family walked in I started to tear up because the poor husband got badly injured in the tornado as well! Afterwards, they happily gave us interviews, and they were very sweet.
Once I saw the reporter that we met up with when we got there, I looked up at Jesus and said "Thank you!"
What made me really like him was the fact that during the prayer most reporters were texting, but he was praying...and really concentrating! It was so sweet! I love guys that pray because I love to pray!
Ever since I saw him pray, I knew I liked him. We spent a good 3 hours talking/working together, and I really hope I get to work with him again! He is a good southern boy from SC and has the BEST accent...it reminds me of James Marsdens in "The Notebook"!
I got home around 1am and talked to my roommate who also had a hot date tonight! I love girl talk! Especially at 1am!
I hope you have a great Friday!
The best blush to use is laughter, it puts roses on your cheeks, and in your soul!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Hey girls!
I just finished typing my Christmas list!
I organize it so well so that my mom and dad can see exactly what I want, how much it is, what color, and the and/or phone number where they can order it is attached too...basically NO EXCUSES I give every option! Haha!
I really don't need a thing! However, I am asking for my tanning machine, that would be a huge plus, especially because I got asked if I was sick twice today! My lips were really pale...and oh so was the rest of my body! I get so white in the winter, if I was sitting still I would look dead. Its really disturbing! Glad I have blonde hair, so at least it looks a little normal.
I also asked for a lot of other things! I always make my list extra long so there is a lot to choose from! I definitely don't expect everything but my parents do take extra good care of me and my brother and sister each Christmas, I feel so blessed!
My favorite part of Christmas is waking up to the alarm I set every year for 3am, and going to see what I got, then sneaking back to bed until 6 when my brother and sister wake me up. Its a good day!
I really cant wait for Thanksgiving and Christmas and just being at home with extended family, and spending time with my family for over a month! I am so excited! My cousin Morgan is coming from Florida for Thanksgiving. There should be over 20 of us at the lake, and I always love seeing her!
Here are some of the books I am asking for, they look so good!
-Essentially Lilly: A Guide to Colorful Entertaining
-Better Than Beauty: A Guide to Charm
-As A Lady Would Say : Responses to Life's Important (and Sometimes Awkward) Situations
-How To Be A Lady A Contemporary Guide To Common Courtesy
-How to Live Like a Lady: Lessons in Life, Manners, and Style
-The Art of Civilized Conversation: A Guide to Expressing Yourself With Style and Grace
-Taste: Acquiring What Money Can't Buy
-Suck Your Stomach In and Put Some Color On!: What Southern Mamas Tell Their Daughters that the Rest of Y'all Should Know Too
-ADHD & Me: What I Learned from Lighting Fires at the Dinner Table
-The Complete Manual of Things That Might Kill You: A Guide to Self-Diagnosis for Hypochondriacs
-Beauty Confidential: The No Preaching, No Lies, Advice-You'll- Actually-Use Guide to Looking Your Best
LOVE these books so much! Why can't my school offer a class on etiquette, I would just love that!
Have a great Thursday!
I just finished typing my Christmas list!
I organize it so well so that my mom and dad can see exactly what I want, how much it is, what color, and the and/or phone number where they can order it is attached too...basically NO EXCUSES I give every option! Haha!
I really don't need a thing! However, I am asking for my tanning machine, that would be a huge plus, especially because I got asked if I was sick twice today! My lips were really pale...and oh so was the rest of my body! I get so white in the winter, if I was sitting still I would look dead. Its really disturbing! Glad I have blonde hair, so at least it looks a little normal.
I also asked for a lot of other things! I always make my list extra long so there is a lot to choose from! I definitely don't expect everything but my parents do take extra good care of me and my brother and sister each Christmas, I feel so blessed!
My favorite part of Christmas is waking up to the alarm I set every year for 3am, and going to see what I got, then sneaking back to bed until 6 when my brother and sister wake me up. Its a good day!
I really cant wait for Thanksgiving and Christmas and just being at home with extended family, and spending time with my family for over a month! I am so excited! My cousin Morgan is coming from Florida for Thanksgiving. There should be over 20 of us at the lake, and I always love seeing her!
Here are some of the books I am asking for, they look so good!
-What Would Audrey Do?
-Jane Austen's Guide to Good Manners
-Essentially Lilly: A Guide to Colorful Entertaining
-Better Than Beauty: A Guide to Charm
-As A Lady Would Say : Responses to Life's Important (and Sometimes Awkward) Situations
-How To Be A Lady A Contemporary Guide To Common Courtesy
-How to Live Like a Lady: Lessons in Life, Manners, and Style
-The Art of Civilized Conversation: A Guide to Expressing Yourself With Style and Grace
-Taste: Acquiring What Money Can't Buy
-Suck Your Stomach In and Put Some Color On!: What Southern Mamas Tell Their Daughters that the Rest of Y'all Should Know Too
-ADHD & Me: What I Learned from Lighting Fires at the Dinner Table
-The Complete Manual of Things That Might Kill You: A Guide to Self-Diagnosis for Hypochondriacs
-Beauty Confidential: The No Preaching, No Lies, Advice-You'll- Actually-Use Guide to Looking Your Best
LOVE these books so much! Why can't my school offer a class on etiquette, I would just love that!Have a great Thursday!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Hey girls!
I don't know about y'all, but I am a BIG fanatic of WebMD! I read it more then my etiquette books, and thats saying alot! Anyways, I was reading my daily e-mails, and I got THIS!
While i'm talking about WebMD, has anyone heard about this new banana diet that is ALL the rage in Japan right now? It was also featured on WebMD tonight, and so many Japanese people are doing it There was a shortage of bananas in Japan! I kind of want to try it, for a week or so!
I don't know about y'all, but I am a BIG fanatic of WebMD! I read it more then my etiquette books, and thats saying alot! Anyways, I was reading my daily e-mails, and I got THIS!
Popular Diet Frozen Food RecalledI am not too happy right now, Lean Cuisine is a personal favorite! I mean, me and the girls are always buying them because they are so easy for a quick lunch/dinner. I am really surprised about this frozen food crisis, I am pretty sure I didn't swallow any blue plastic, but eww...thats gross. How in the world does blue plastic get into frozen food?
Nestle Prepared Foods Co. is recalling 879,565 pounds of frozen Lean
Cuisine chicken meals. The frozen meals may contain small pieces of
hard blue plastic.
> Get package and product details on this recall.
While i'm talking about WebMD, has anyone heard about this new banana diet that is ALL the rage in Japan right now? It was also featured on WebMD tonight, and so many Japanese people are doing it There was a shortage of bananas in Japan! I kind of want to try it, for a week or so!
I've Been Tagged! 6th Photo Game
My blog friend Kentucky Katie tagged me. I was to go to my 6th picture folder and find my 6th picture. Here is what I found!
This is really old...I took it at the Carolina Cup 2 years ago, and it was the 6th picture in my 6th folder. I havent looked at these in forever, what a fun post! haha...okay I tag Rick Rack and Pom Poms, Puttin on the G.R.I.T.S, and whoever would like to do

What a Week Already!
Hey girls!
OMG! Its so cold outside, and it ACTUALLY snowed today for the first time. I was so so so excited! I was sitting in class thinking where was this snow an hour ago!?
Well today has just been busy, I am so fed up with my English class I could scream, but instead I am rewriting ALL of my papers and taking them to my ditsy male teacher tomorrow with all my attitude and politely, but SERIOUSLY demanding that he take all of my revisions! You girls have got to understand, the English department here is great but its a little bit too much at times! Its just very rigorous, and I don't intend to learn every ounce of Shakespeare because I just don't care to do so! I get that it's important, but my Lord! I understand going to a liberal arts school makes for a more well rounded person, as they put it, but you know what being well rounded doesn't just come from the classroom! I believe that it comes from the kind of person you are, especially outside of the classroom! I have just never written a good paper, because I always write exactly like I talk and that doesn't always work. Luckily, he is very easy to suck up to, and he keeps telling me I have a B in his class! He is a retired business man, so maybe he just doesn't care and will really give me a B. Oh well, I am just gonna keep on smiling and pray for a good outcome.
On a lighter note, I bought these really comfortable ugg boots today and I am in love! I have been wearing my new VV fleeces, leggins, and uggs for 2 days and I am in Heaven!
So, I have been reading my "What Would Jackie Do" book today and I started right around lunch and just finished! I highlighted all of the good parts and oh my gosh I just love her!
Here are some of my favorite things about her!
-She got Vitamin B injections when she was tired...I get those too!! More because my B12 is low, but how funny!
-She did therapy at least twice a week because she loved to bitch about everyday annoyances and nobody ever had to know, she said it was money well spent...that part made me laugh! But she is probably right, it is probably not a bad idea!
-She loved Lilly!
-She gave great ways to prevent aging, and stress!
-She was a reporter for a newspaper!
-She treated everyone like they were the most important person in the room, and that is why she was one of the most loved women in America by everyone! She was just sweet to everyone! (This is such an important life lesson!)
-Lastly, her style and charm are classic!
I love the book, and I have mentioned it multiple times on here, so if you haven't read it yet, go get it!
I am going on Saturday for a tour of Charlotte Broadcasting School, in Charlotte, NC! I am really looking forward to it, I haven't told my parents yet because I have started doing more and more for myself and relying on myself to get things done and chase my dreams. I hate to bug them about what I want to do until I can prove it will be done!
This school is amazing! I would obviously still go to college, but this school offers a 4 month program with 4 phases.
1. Class Time where I would learn techniques and terms used within news
2. Practice Time where I would get to be in front of a camera in their studio and practice my speech and writing skills.
3. Demo Tape where I would produce and record my own demo tape which would have around 30 stories.
4. Lifelong job placement which is where the school will let me use their studio whenever I need it, as well as help me to find a secure job upon graduating college!
There are campus' all around America, but Charlotte is close to home so I will go there!
I am also applying to The American Academy of Dramatic Arts summer program in Los Angeles. It looks really great, and very hands on so I am looking forward to seeing what comes of it.
Lastly, I am applying for the year long Broadcasting Journalism program at New York Film Academy. I am simply applying to see what happens, and then I can make the choice of what I want to do.
I would clearly wait until I graduate to do either of the last 2 programs that I listed.
On another note, Wallace this weekend was so much fun! I went home with one of my roommates, and the first night we got there kind of late so we just hung out for a little bit and then headed to bed. Saturday, we went to Wilmington to shop and we saw Milly from "One Tree Hill" near the J Crew we had just come out of...I wanted to get her autograph, but I am sure she hates being bothered in public, so we just stood in shock for a second and continued our shopping! We also went to Marshalls and TJ Maxx, who both by the way have the cutest shoes right now!
That night, we went to a concert and the band was amazing! If they had a CD, I would have gotten it! They sounded alot like Dave Matthews Band!
After the concert, we went back to my friends house and watched "Scarlet Takes A Tumble" for the millionth time! If you haven't seen that, I posted the link in another post, and you NEED to go watch it because its hilarious!
Last night, my friend and I went to the mall to do some retail therapy (which I do believe is real therapy! It works every time!) I went to look at the Lilly because it was rumored she was having a sale, and SHE WAS! I know I shouldn't have, but I walked out with a new Lilly Oxford Pink Shirt Dress. It is really cute, and I know I will wear it a lot! In fact, I cant wait to wear it to church this Sunday!
I hope y'all are having a good Tuesday!
OMG! Its so cold outside, and it ACTUALLY snowed today for the first time. I was so so so excited! I was sitting in class thinking where was this snow an hour ago!?
Well today has just been busy, I am so fed up with my English class I could scream, but instead I am rewriting ALL of my papers and taking them to my ditsy male teacher tomorrow with all my attitude and politely, but SERIOUSLY demanding that he take all of my revisions! You girls have got to understand, the English department here is great but its a little bit too much at times! Its just very rigorous, and I don't intend to learn every ounce of Shakespeare because I just don't care to do so! I get that it's important, but my Lord! I understand going to a liberal arts school makes for a more well rounded person, as they put it, but you know what being well rounded doesn't just come from the classroom! I believe that it comes from the kind of person you are, especially outside of the classroom! I have just never written a good paper, because I always write exactly like I talk and that doesn't always work. Luckily, he is very easy to suck up to, and he keeps telling me I have a B in his class! He is a retired business man, so maybe he just doesn't care and will really give me a B. Oh well, I am just gonna keep on smiling and pray for a good outcome.
On a lighter note, I bought these really comfortable ugg boots today and I am in love! I have been wearing my new VV fleeces, leggins, and uggs for 2 days and I am in Heaven!
So, I have been reading my "What Would Jackie Do" book today and I started right around lunch and just finished! I highlighted all of the good parts and oh my gosh I just love her!
Here are some of my favorite things about her!
-She got Vitamin B injections when she was tired...I get those too!! More because my B12 is low, but how funny!
-She did therapy at least twice a week because she loved to bitch about everyday annoyances and nobody ever had to know, she said it was money well spent...that part made me laugh! But she is probably right, it is probably not a bad idea!
-She loved Lilly!
-She gave great ways to prevent aging, and stress!
-She was a reporter for a newspaper!
-She treated everyone like they were the most important person in the room, and that is why she was one of the most loved women in America by everyone! She was just sweet to everyone! (This is such an important life lesson!)
-Lastly, her style and charm are classic!
I love the book, and I have mentioned it multiple times on here, so if you haven't read it yet, go get it!
I am going on Saturday for a tour of Charlotte Broadcasting School, in Charlotte, NC! I am really looking forward to it, I haven't told my parents yet because I have started doing more and more for myself and relying on myself to get things done and chase my dreams. I hate to bug them about what I want to do until I can prove it will be done!
This school is amazing! I would obviously still go to college, but this school offers a 4 month program with 4 phases.
1. Class Time where I would learn techniques and terms used within news
2. Practice Time where I would get to be in front of a camera in their studio and practice my speech and writing skills.
3. Demo Tape where I would produce and record my own demo tape which would have around 30 stories.
4. Lifelong job placement which is where the school will let me use their studio whenever I need it, as well as help me to find a secure job upon graduating college!
There are campus' all around America, but Charlotte is close to home so I will go there!
I am also applying to The American Academy of Dramatic Arts summer program in Los Angeles. It looks really great, and very hands on so I am looking forward to seeing what comes of it.
Lastly, I am applying for the year long Broadcasting Journalism program at New York Film Academy. I am simply applying to see what happens, and then I can make the choice of what I want to do.
I would clearly wait until I graduate to do either of the last 2 programs that I listed.
On another note, Wallace this weekend was so much fun! I went home with one of my roommates, and the first night we got there kind of late so we just hung out for a little bit and then headed to bed. Saturday, we went to Wilmington to shop and we saw Milly from "One Tree Hill" near the J Crew we had just come out of...I wanted to get her autograph, but I am sure she hates being bothered in public, so we just stood in shock for a second and continued our shopping! We also went to Marshalls and TJ Maxx, who both by the way have the cutest shoes right now!
That night, we went to a concert and the band was amazing! If they had a CD, I would have gotten it! They sounded alot like Dave Matthews Band!
After the concert, we went back to my friends house and watched "Scarlet Takes A Tumble" for the millionth time! If you haven't seen that, I posted the link in another post, and you NEED to go watch it because its hilarious!
Last night, my friend and I went to the mall to do some retail therapy (which I do believe is real therapy! It works every time!) I went to look at the Lilly because it was rumored she was having a sale, and SHE WAS! I know I shouldn't have, but I walked out with a new Lilly Oxford Pink Shirt Dress. It is really cute, and I know I will wear it a lot! In fact, I cant wait to wear it to church this Sunday!
I hope y'all are having a good Tuesday!
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