I have just been so busy the past few days, and I have been a horrible blogger! Oh well, im back!
I will start with Thursday, the day before Halloween!
That night, I got to go to my internship and I got to go out with a photographer, I always work with the same one and he is a really fun guy to work with! I started my first DEMO TAPE! I have two successful stories on that thing so far thanks to the wonderful people at News 14. They are some of the friendliest most personable people I have ever met. Truth be told, I hated the internship at first because nobody knew I even existed (even in my brightest Lilly, I was invisable! haha!) Anyways, Thursday night, I went first to a trailor park where a 19 year old girl was kidnapped. She was found like 2 hours after it happened though because the dumbass that kidnapped her drove a custom painted car with "Budwiser" written on the hood and doors. This world is just filled with classy people! When the anchor said it on the news, I swear I almost died laughing because I dont know how someone can say that so seriously!
After that, I went to McTeacher Night at McDonalds. I think it is such a great fundraiser, but the name makes me laugh! I saw the cutest kids who all wanted to be on TV. We interviewed alot of people, and got free McDonalds! It was great. McDonalds did this fundraiser and all of the teachers were cooking the food, and serving it. It was really neat to watch!
After that, we went over to "Take Back The Night", a rally to raise awareness for sexual assault and rape at NC State. It was very meaningful and alot of people there were very adamant about putting an end to this stuff. It was great to get to interview them. I am so happy because that was my first story on my demo reel! I also have had the chance over the past few weeks to meet other reporters and photographers from neighboring news stations which has been great for connections, and also everyone is like one big team! It is really just the best job I have ever had!
I have been interviewing for part time jobs in radio and TV because my adviser says im up against 100,000 kids and if I wanna be on the air before I am 30 I better get a job. Well, that just scared me to death but I am pretty sure this is what I am meant to do, so Gods got a plan! Ill be alright! Regardless, I interviewed at a radio station this past week, and sadly it is just not something that I want anything to do with. I turned the job down, but then was offered 2 more part time jobs at neighboring stations, but I just cant take them! One was a Spanish station, i'm sorry but I am in French! I would be miserable! They want me to work Thanksgiving and Christmas too! Now for all of you who want to say "thats the way the world works" I am still 20 and I could never not be with my wonderful family on those 2 holidays!!
I have 1 more interview this week with the biggest radio station in Raleigh, and the hours would be better so I am going to see how it goes. I am very tempted to see if News 14 has any part time jobs because that would get my foot further in the door. I also had the best, most encouraging conversation with the News 14 anchor in my hometown. I got to know her well this summer, and she is so good at what she does! She gave me so many wonderful pieces of advice. I told her my goal was to finish school, work in news for a bit and then go to NYC and go to acting school, thankfully my parents agree with what I wanna do, so I will just see where I go.
Speaking of acting, I got a call back on one of the submissions that I made, CSI:Miami called me!!I know, I was in shock too! They said all I need to do is get more head shots made, and to get a part with them I need to be in NYC permanently. So I didn't get the part, but for them to call was amazing to me! How cool! This girl called and she gave me so much advice and websites to go to and phone numbers to call for acting parts! She told me how to contact casting directors, and gave me her password to use for the sites so I could look around! What an angel!
I feel like my life is really coming together and my dreams are coming true one step at a time!
Anyways, so about Halloween. Thursday we had a party at our house, I actually had to work until 11 because a man was shot and killed at a movie theater so we covered his memorial service which was held at the same theater! I added more to my resume tape! I got done there at 11 and headed home for what would be one of the most fun nights of the year! Yes, my costume was out there, some of you may think I am just the biggest bitch on the planet but thats okay, because I had so much fun in it!! Halloween is the one night you can get away with anything anyway! I kept picking up things for it all week, I will post a picture, because I was... Welfare Barbie!
Another night, for a party we went to in Chapel Hill last Saturday I was a mouse with my friend, we were 2 blind mice because the 3rd one decided to go Anna Kuornakova on us! Haha!
And, finally on Halloween, I went to a friends house for a party, and then we left and went to another party at Delta Sig. I was really tired though, and the cops came so we left and then came home and had a Michael Myers Marathon!
I had to call the cops again last night because 2 men snuck in our basement and were BANGING on the basement door...the cops took 15 minutes to get there, and didn't believe me!! Then they found 2 teenage boys, but still said they were trick-or-treaters and we shouldn't worry so much! Assholes, I will worry if I want to! Quite the Halloween!
Here are some pictures of Halloween and one more from Ring Dinner!