Oh my goodness, I just found out some disheartning news, well actually I dont care because ill never use it, but my mother, well thats another story! I found out that I am doing extremely poor in my French class! Don't get me wrong, in all actuality, I do care but it sucks because I am just not a fan of foreign language! I keep telling my mother and teacher that if I had any desire at all to learn it, I would just go live in France for a year! I don't think either of them want to hear that though, so I am gonna have to study really hard for a while...ugh! :(
I was royally pissed that I had a bad grade in something so petty, so I decided to do some retail therapy! ;) I found some cute things and I had to post them!! All of the cute stuff is coming out for Spring, and believe it or not I dont know if you ever go to Marshalls or TJ Maxx but those are like my favorite places ever!! I found tons and tons of Lilly and Vineyard Vines!!
Jcrew: Chain Print Merino Sweater Dress.
I just got this dress the other day! It is really cute, and its short too so its great for Spring!

I love printed pants, shirts, ect and bright colors!! So heres some more stuff from JCrew that I loved!