The past few days have been quite eventful! Girls dinners, get together's, dinner dates, ect. Some of us went to a place downtown called Bogarts the other night for dinner. It was so so good! They had a band too, and a really fun bar, it makes me want to be 21! The band played the best music! I don't know if you have ever heard "Magic" by Robin Thicke but they played that, and that is my favorite song! I heard them play the song while we were eating, and every time I hear a song live, it makes me love it that much more. We stayed until that restaurant closed! It was so much fun!
This coming Monday another one of my friends is turning 21 and we are all going to Fosters to celebrate! Her cute mom is coming to have their 1st drink together (well to her mother's knowledge!) I cant wait to see her, this is the same friend that I did the Avon Walk with 2 years ago, and I absolutely love her family! Fosters will be so much fun, everyone goes there on Thursday nights! So much fun!
This weekend, I am finally headed home to get my hair done! I am excited because I have actually waited long enough this time that it grew out a bit and now I can go lighter. It has been a sandy blonde for a while and I am tired of it! I feel like a sick person when I am not a light blonde...its like im missing something! I cant wait to have it done! The worst part about hair appointments though is that they take such a long time! Every time I go, I have to allot 3 hours...isn't that crazy! I have a VERY hard time sitting in a chair for 3 hours, but it's worth it!
I am so excited because my good friend T will be home for the weekend! We are planning on spending Saturday with a bottle of wine and the golf cart riding around and catching I said Salisbury is boring, but riding a golf cart and drinking wine is much more fun then it actually sounds. When we were 7 we would be driving around, and we vowed one day that a group of us would drive a golf cart from here to LA. Of course, that was before we had our cars, and realized how far LA actually was haha! I can't wait to see him! I believe we are going to go and tour the Historic District this weekend! Occasionally, they open up the houses usually in October, but there are so many that have been re-done and that is just one of T and my hobbies. We love to go see the Historic Houses and pick out the one we dream of living in one day! They are all so beautiful, the people that own them keep them up so well!

On a completely different note...
Have any of you ever seen a movie called "Drop Dead Gorgeous!" HAHA! It is by far my new favorite movie!! T's sister L showed me a clip on you tube a few days ago and I am hooked!! I told her we had to go find it because I just had to watch the whole movie. We went to 2 different Targets and snuck in right at 9:50 to buy it! They had one last copy! Its all about pageants! Kirsten Dunst, Kirsty Alley, Amy Adams, and Denise Richards all star in it! They all have extremely strong northern accents, stronger then Sarah Palin's!! I was joking with L because she absolutely HATES social events! However, she did the State Debutante Ball this year, so jokingly I said she and I were kindof like Pageant girls in white dresses...she didn't think that was funny! How could you hate being in a pageant or doing a deb ball? They are so much fun (well I have never done a pageant, but Miss America looks fun!) and those type of functions are the absolute best way to meet people! I met a lot of my Meredith girls through Deb!
I have to share a few of my favorite quotes from Drop Dead Gorgeous!
Amber Atkins- "I don't eat shellfish. Mom always says, "Don't ever eat nothin' that can carry its house around with it. Who knows the last time it's been cleaned." She should know."
Amber Atkins- "My mom never hid the fact that my dad chose his career over us. What was it she always said?"
Loretta- "Once a carnie, always a carnie."
Amber Atkins- "Mom still cries every time she sees a tilt-a-whirl or a fat lady in a tube top."
Gladys Leeman- "The communal wine just proves too tempting for some of them!"
Iris Clark- "That's why we Lutherans use grape Kool-Aid for the blood of Christ."
This week is such a big week! I am pretty caught up on school work, but I just sent off for another internship this summer with the American Journalism Center. I also heard from ABC and I should interview with them for the summer internship in March. Personally, I would love to attain an internship with ABC, what fun!! Both of those are in Washington DC which would be a nice change of scenery!
Another good thing that happened today was getting an interview at Interact! Interact is a place to volunteer, and I am really excited because I love kids and I want to learn more about working and helping them. I am really looking forward to it because everyone seems so sweet. What a blessing!
I hope you all have a great Wednesday!
This week is such a big week! I am pretty caught up on school work, but I just sent off for another internship this summer with the American Journalism Center. I also heard from ABC and I should interview with them for the summer internship in March. Personally, I would love to attain an internship with ABC, what fun!! Both of those are in Washington DC which would be a nice change of scenery!
Another good thing that happened today was getting an interview at Interact! Interact is a place to volunteer, and I am really excited because I love kids and I want to learn more about working and helping them. I am really looking forward to it because everyone seems so sweet. What a blessing!
I hope you all have a great Wednesday!