Hey girls!
Last night I went to T's house to practice some more for our shag lesson today! We learned (and made up) so many new moves!! YAY!
We did the pretzel, and this really cool under the leg thing! (I think we just made that up after one to many glasses of wine)!
We learned at least 5 moves today at our lesson alone!
Last night, however, we played Chairman of the Board, and the Temptations!
Between songs, we sat on the porch, had wine, and visited for hours just catching up before we both leave for school!
I am so sad in a way to leave Salisbury, but in another way, so happy to go back to Raleigh. I just feel like T and I have really established who we are in this small town, and there is no way I can get that in Raleigh except for college kids, so I love to be home where everyone knows your name and who you are! It is nice to be in Raleigh with my friends too though, because those girls are like my sisters, and I love college life! It's the best of both worlds.
Anyways, so yes we have yet another lesson today at 1:30 and I am so excited!
I am about to go to work now, and listen to these guys talk about park rules and issues...YAY!
I love park rules, especially how they put a "public park" in a gang infested neighborhood...(just go ahead and give them the needles, and razor blades!) but still put a sign up saying "park closes at 8pm"
...bitch please the eastside do what they want!
They are trying to get park staff to take turns going out there and getting people to leave, I will not be doing that anytime soon because I do not have a death wish!
I will post more later today!
Have a great morning!
The best blush to use is laughter, it puts roses on your cheeks, and in your soul!
Friday, August 8, 2008
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Shagging at the Park
Hey girls!
I am so excited, today I started my shag lessons with T! It was alot of fun! The guy giving us lessons is such a great dancer, and also my boss at work! He's in charge of my hometowns Shag Club! While we were shagging, we were learning the "spin" and all of the kids from the park came in and sat and watched! It was so cute, then out of nowhere this really big kid cut us off and said "Hey Papa Paul!" she was twice the size of my boss, and she bout tackled him! HAHA! It was so funny, I was like girrrrrl im shagging here!
Tonight I am going to T's house for a glass of wine, and some practice before tommorrows lesson! It is so much fun! T has a room with slick marble floors, so it should be easy to slide around!
Today at work a mother sent her 1 year old (his name was Foota!!!) and his 3 brothers to the park! All they did the whole time was yell at him and hit him! Little bitches, I am all about mommys day out, but please a 1 year old! My co-worker had to leave early and of course when he left these HUGE 18+ guys showed up to get free lunch, and it kindof scared me! I had to be really firm with the little boys today, especially the 1 year olds brothers because you just cant hit a 1 year old! That is so wrong, and hes still young so he has to know thats not okay! One of the boys that has been coming is really a sweet, sweet boy and he could probably turn out so well if he stays on the right path! I just really hope somebody will help him! The others, just cuss alot for their age! I mean at 7, you really should not use, much less KNOW the "F" word! Oh well, it keeps me entertained! Lately we have been working with them to be nicer to each other and talk things out, because at first there was so much fighting, and I just couldnt take it!
Let me tell you this story, it is so awful, but so funny!!! So this little girl comes up to me today and shes like
"Kate, you got a dog girl?"
I was like,
"Yeah girl I got 1!"
She goes,
"we had one but some bitchass neighbor poisioned it, and my uncle said if they did that junk again, he would shoot them dead!"
...I really didnt have a response for that! My jaw dropped, they live across the street from the park.
I was just like,
"I am so, so sorry your dog was...poisoned!" (as I looked around scared for the uncle, needless to say I am extra nice to that little girl!) Really, what was I supposed to say to that?
I had my doctors appt today to find out that my MRI was completely normal!! YAY! I know now that everything is just because of stress...which sucks, because I dont really know how to get rid of stress! But oh well, it will all work out. Im just glad its not all of the things the doctor threw out there. I am glad he checked for everything to rule it all out though.
Today to shag lessons I wore this Lilly, AND a
matching pink and green headband! "Look your best, do your best!"
I hope y'all have a great Thursday!
I am so excited, today I started my shag lessons with T! It was alot of fun! The guy giving us lessons is such a great dancer, and also my boss at work! He's in charge of my hometowns Shag Club! While we were shagging, we were learning the "spin" and all of the kids from the park came in and sat and watched! It was so cute, then out of nowhere this really big kid cut us off and said "Hey Papa Paul!" she was twice the size of my boss, and she bout tackled him! HAHA! It was so funny, I was like girrrrrl im shagging here!
Tonight I am going to T's house for a glass of wine, and some practice before tommorrows lesson! It is so much fun! T has a room with slick marble floors, so it should be easy to slide around!
Today at work a mother sent her 1 year old (his name was Foota!!!) and his 3 brothers to the park! All they did the whole time was yell at him and hit him! Little bitches, I am all about mommys day out, but please a 1 year old! My co-worker had to leave early and of course when he left these HUGE 18+ guys showed up to get free lunch, and it kindof scared me! I had to be really firm with the little boys today, especially the 1 year olds brothers because you just cant hit a 1 year old! That is so wrong, and hes still young so he has to know thats not okay! One of the boys that has been coming is really a sweet, sweet boy and he could probably turn out so well if he stays on the right path! I just really hope somebody will help him! The others, just cuss alot for their age! I mean at 7, you really should not use, much less KNOW the "F" word! Oh well, it keeps me entertained! Lately we have been working with them to be nicer to each other and talk things out, because at first there was so much fighting, and I just couldnt take it!
Let me tell you this story, it is so awful, but so funny!!! So this little girl comes up to me today and shes like
"Kate, you got a dog girl?"
I was like,
"Yeah girl I got 1!"
She goes,
"we had one but some bitchass neighbor poisioned it, and my uncle said if they did that junk again, he would shoot them dead!"
...I really didnt have a response for that! My jaw dropped, they live across the street from the park.
I was just like,
"I am so, so sorry your dog was...poisoned!" (as I looked around scared for the uncle, needless to say I am extra nice to that little girl!) Really, what was I supposed to say to that?
I had my doctors appt today to find out that my MRI was completely normal!! YAY! I know now that everything is just because of stress...which sucks, because I dont really know how to get rid of stress! But oh well, it will all work out. Im just glad its not all of the things the doctor threw out there. I am glad he checked for everything to rule it all out though.
Today to shag lessons I wore this Lilly, AND a

I hope y'all have a great Thursday!
Monday, August 4, 2008
Good and Bad days
Hey girls!
I hope y'all had a good Monday!
I went to Raleigh at 7:30 this morning to meet with News 14 about my new internship, and then get some other appts. out of the way at school, it was so good to be back for a little bit! I went to my house and got everything straight, The den and kitchen still have to be painted, but other then that its all done! It is looking so good, i'm so excited to finally move in! I just found out some more of my friends decided to live a street over from us, so that will be even better!
Tonight was just a crazy night, I havent seen C in 2 WEEKS!! Thats a problem! So tomorrow, I am going to see him at the lake, but of course, since i'm still at home and my parents hate him its not good! I wasnt even going to tell them where I was going, because my dad works all the time, he would never know, my mom is the one who always asks ?'s which sometimes I dont mind, but that is one reason I cant wait to be back in Raleigh, I can date whoever I want and go wherever I want and not worry that I am disappointing anybody. My parents think C is rude (really hes just shy!) He came down to the lake for the 4th, and he didnt speak much but to be fair when I met his family for the first time I didnt really have much to say either, anyways my mother refuses to accept the fact that we go out sometimes, and its just casually...imagine if I really started dating the boy! She says she is looking out for me in the long run, but I can do that! I'm glad they care, but then again, its easier when they dont find out.
Overall it has been good being at home this summer with all thats been going on, I am really going to miss it when school starts, because I loved my jobs, and being with my family but in other ways I cannot wait to get started back in Raleigh! So excited, all the frat parties, socials, formals, and I just got my 2 Little Sisters at MC in the mail yesterday and they seem really cute!
OH MY GOSH! This is what happened to me this afternoon! Sketchy as HELL!
I was on my way back to Salisbury from Raleigh today, and I realized that I had forgotten my purse! I left all of my money in my car, but I ended up taking my moms car because...well ill get to that in a second! But anyways, so I was in Thomasville and had to get gas and a diet coke or I was just going to scream! So I called my mother and she said she would meet me wherever I got off! :)
So I am in this bright pink and green dress, and I pull into this Shell gas station thinking that it would be at least decent, but oh my Lord. It was really sketch!
So Im just sitting in the car, because Heaven knows I was not getting out...there were men with mullets, tattoos, and cigarettes...at a gas station...one man just threw his cig down right beside a pump and did NOT put out the flame! I was just taken back!
I was not in a mood to deal with a gas fire!
Anyways, so I was impatiently sitting in my car, and my mom was like 5 minutes away...thank God!
Out of nowhere, this fat ass man starts walking by and he peers in the windshield at me, he eventually starts walking backwards in front of my windshield and looks dead at me, whistles and says
"Hey Kitty Kat, do you wanna get with this, you can call me Big Daddy!"
I think I threw up in my mouth a little...
First off, I was not about to call anybody "Big Daddy!" Gross!
I just rolled my eyes and im sure had a fun little look on my face!
So he was like
"thats okay, maybe later!"
This guy weighed an easy 350lbs, was wearing a wifebeater, and smoking...(Hes all mine girls!) EWW!
Then a second later, a really cute guy pulled up beside me at the pump and asked me directions, so of course that made it all better, but wow, people today!
Okay so about my car...so my car needed the front wheel bar fixed, its a Volvo S80, and its fairly new, so
I think when I hit a raccoon the other week it did a little damage, oh well!
I always try my best to break for animals, but sometimes it just doesnt work out! Oops! Anyways, so I took it up to my favorite tire place to get the tires rotated because I was waiting on the Volvo place to call me with an appointment time. So the place I took it calls my house like an hour after the car had been there and told my mom to come down, there was a big problem! So she goes down and they lifted my car up to see underneath on those car stands (or whatever they are called) and they had LIFTED IT TO HIGH!!! They dented the roof, and then they tried to bang it out with a hammer! My mom was extremely calm, and of course I was asked nicely (told) to wait in the car!
Anyways, the Volvo place can fix it luckily, and the place I took it is heavily insured so they WILL pay for it, but how random!
I really do like the guys that work there though, they have always done everything we need for years, so its really hard to get mad at them.
I have to list 2 things on here, my new favorite quote, and my new favorite song!
"I have been through a lot and have suffered a great deal. But I have had lots of happy moments, as well. Every moment one lives is different from the other. The good, the bad, hardship, the joy, the tragedy, love, and happiness are all interwoven into one single, indescribable whole that is called life. You cannot separate the good from the bad. And perhaps there is no need to do so, either."
-Jackie Kennedy Onassis
AND this great song I downloaded
It is called
"Mighty to Save" and it is just the best song! I could listen to it all day, I absolutely love choirs and I found it on iTunes by a Childrens Choir! So excited!
Have a great Tuesday!
I hope y'all had a good Monday!
I went to Raleigh at 7:30 this morning to meet with News 14 about my new internship, and then get some other appts. out of the way at school, it was so good to be back for a little bit! I went to my house and got everything straight, The den and kitchen still have to be painted, but other then that its all done! It is looking so good, i'm so excited to finally move in! I just found out some more of my friends decided to live a street over from us, so that will be even better!
Tonight was just a crazy night, I havent seen C in 2 WEEKS!! Thats a problem! So tomorrow, I am going to see him at the lake, but of course, since i'm still at home and my parents hate him its not good! I wasnt even going to tell them where I was going, because my dad works all the time, he would never know, my mom is the one who always asks ?'s which sometimes I dont mind, but that is one reason I cant wait to be back in Raleigh, I can date whoever I want and go wherever I want and not worry that I am disappointing anybody. My parents think C is rude (really hes just shy!) He came down to the lake for the 4th, and he didnt speak much but to be fair when I met his family for the first time I didnt really have much to say either, anyways my mother refuses to accept the fact that we go out sometimes, and its just casually...imagine if I really started dating the boy! She says she is looking out for me in the long run, but I can do that! I'm glad they care, but then again, its easier when they dont find out.
Overall it has been good being at home this summer with all thats been going on, I am really going to miss it when school starts, because I loved my jobs, and being with my family but in other ways I cannot wait to get started back in Raleigh! So excited, all the frat parties, socials, formals, and I just got my 2 Little Sisters at MC in the mail yesterday and they seem really cute!
OH MY GOSH! This is what happened to me this afternoon! Sketchy as HELL!
I was on my way back to Salisbury from Raleigh today, and I realized that I had forgotten my purse! I left all of my money in my car, but I ended up taking my moms car because...well ill get to that in a second! But anyways, so I was in Thomasville and had to get gas and a diet coke or I was just going to scream! So I called my mother and she said she would meet me wherever I got off! :)
So I am in this bright pink and green dress, and I pull into this Shell gas station thinking that it would be at least decent, but oh my Lord. It was really sketch!
So Im just sitting in the car, because Heaven knows I was not getting out...there were men with mullets, tattoos, and cigarettes...at a gas station...one man just threw his cig down right beside a pump and did NOT put out the flame! I was just taken back!
I was not in a mood to deal with a gas fire!
Anyways, so I was impatiently sitting in my car, and my mom was like 5 minutes away...thank God!
Out of nowhere, this fat ass man starts walking by and he peers in the windshield at me, he eventually starts walking backwards in front of my windshield and looks dead at me, whistles and says
"Hey Kitty Kat, do you wanna get with this, you can call me Big Daddy!"
I think I threw up in my mouth a little...
First off, I was not about to call anybody "Big Daddy!" Gross!
I just rolled my eyes and im sure had a fun little look on my face!
So he was like
"thats okay, maybe later!"
This guy weighed an easy 350lbs, was wearing a wifebeater, and smoking...(Hes all mine girls!) EWW!
Then a second later, a really cute guy pulled up beside me at the pump and asked me directions, so of course that made it all better, but wow, people today!
Okay so about my car...so my car needed the front wheel bar fixed, its a Volvo S80, and its fairly new, so
I think when I hit a raccoon the other week it did a little damage, oh well!
I always try my best to break for animals, but sometimes it just doesnt work out! Oops! Anyways, so I took it up to my favorite tire place to get the tires rotated because I was waiting on the Volvo place to call me with an appointment time. So the place I took it calls my house like an hour after the car had been there and told my mom to come down, there was a big problem! So she goes down and they lifted my car up to see underneath on those car stands (or whatever they are called) and they had LIFTED IT TO HIGH!!! They dented the roof, and then they tried to bang it out with a hammer! My mom was extremely calm, and of course I was asked nicely (told) to wait in the car!
Anyways, the Volvo place can fix it luckily, and the place I took it is heavily insured so they WILL pay for it, but how random!
I really do like the guys that work there though, they have always done everything we need for years, so its really hard to get mad at them.
I have to list 2 things on here, my new favorite quote, and my new favorite song!
"I have been through a lot and have suffered a great deal. But I have had lots of happy moments, as well. Every moment one lives is different from the other. The good, the bad, hardship, the joy, the tragedy, love, and happiness are all interwoven into one single, indescribable whole that is called life. You cannot separate the good from the bad. And perhaps there is no need to do so, either."
-Jackie Kennedy Onassis
AND this great song I downloaded
It is called
"Mighty to Save" and it is just the best song! I could listen to it all day, I absolutely love choirs and I found it on iTunes by a Childrens Choir! So excited!
Have a great Tuesday!
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Deleted Post
Hey girls,
I completely forgot that a bunch of my friends/neighbors read this blog...so that last post I really couldnt leave up! I hate that! I have really thought about going private because it is always good to vent, so maybe one day. I will still post little bits if you read it, but I couldnt leave that post up. Sorry! Thanks for all of the sweet comments! I have them in e-mail!
I hope everyone is having a great Sunday! I am off to Church!
I will post again later on!
I completely forgot that a bunch of my friends/neighbors read this blog...so that last post I really couldnt leave up! I hate that! I have really thought about going private because it is always good to vent, so maybe one day. I will still post little bits if you read it, but I couldnt leave that post up. Sorry! Thanks for all of the sweet comments! I have them in e-mail!
I hope everyone is having a great Sunday! I am off to Church!
I will post again later on!
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