1. When you buy a greetings card are the words or the picture more important to you?
The picture is so much more important, I choose to add my own words, because it is much more personal!
2. What's your favorite kind of cake?
I love plain cheesecake! Also, this isnt a cake, but coconut pie is my all time favorite!
3. Do you ever make gifts for people, if so what, or do you buy them?
I always buy them, writing a note in a card is one thing that I enjoy doing, but i'm not so crafty, nor do I have the time it takes to make something. That being said, if you are a boy you get a Ralph Lauren, or Brooks Brothers polo, and if your a girl you get something monogrammed, preferably a make up bag, or a hat! :)
4. What's your favorite holiday?
I am a huge fan of Christmas, because it was Jesus' Birthday! Also, because of the tradition, Project Santa Claus that my family started 50 years ago. It always brings about a lot of joy! I never go a day during the Christmas holiday without smiling or laughing, im never sad and thats a beautiful thing! I love Christmas so much!
5. Are you going on vacation this year? If so, where?
Yes, I actually just travelled to St. Augustine, FL just to get away for the weekend, and of course my yearly girls trip to NYC for my birthday in May!
6. What was the best party you've ever been to?
The Heartball, and my first frat party at Delta Sig last year!
7. If you are married, describe your wedding. If not, what would your ideal wedding be like?
My wedding will be held at my home Presbyterian Church. If I decide to have a Winter wedding, It will be a black tie wedding. In the church, the isle will be covered with white rose pedals, and the pew ends will have white roses in tiny vases. The bridesmaids will be wearing gorgeous floor length black dresses, and the groomsmen will be wearing Penguin Suits. I may get married in my Debutante dress, but I haven't decided yet. Also the reception will be held at the Country Club, and each table will have white table cloths, with 3 candles, and white roses in the middle of each table. The napkins will be white as well, and in my dreams, Earth Wind & Fire, or The Voltage Brothers will play at my wedding!If I have a summer wedding, I will still be married in my home church with the same decor, just a different flower choice. The bridesmaids will have pink dresses with off white Lilly sashes, and off white heels. I will be getting married in my Debutante Dress, and my husband-to-be will be wearing a formal tuxedo.The reception will be held at the lake, and it will go all night long by the pool. At both engagements, my wedding song(s) will be "This Will Be" by Natalie Cole for us to shag to, and then for a slow song, I haven't decided yet! "My Girl" is the song my daddy has always danced with me too, so needless to say, that will be our song! I cant wait to get married!
8. What's the most romantic thing that's ever happened to you?
A sweet boy brought me pink roses for no reason other then he was happy to see me. I really am not a very romantic person, Im not that sappy. I do love sweet gestures though!
9. What's your favorite romantic song?
"Ill Be"-Edwin McCain
10. Which celebrity would you like a dream date with?
James Marseden, hes my baby's daddy, he just doesnt know it!
11. Which female celebrity do you find beautiful?
Kelly Ripa, she is seriously my idol and who I aspire to be like! Also, Jackie O is absolutely timeless, and I love to dress up to her standards!
12. Which male celebrity do you think is attractive?
James Marseden, and of course the late Heath Ledger!
13. If you could be a fictional character from a book who would you choose?
I would be Bella from Twilight, or Emma Woodhouse!
14. If you could be in a television sit-com, which would you choose?
Desperate Housewives! I would want to be Bree Van De Kamps etiquettly correct daughter!
15. Which character would you like to be?
Well, I am alot like Bree, but her life sucks right now, so probably Julie.
16. What's your favorite girl's name?
My first daughter will be named Sarah Carr after my mother and my sister, but I also love Mary Belle, and Ella, and Lilly. I always said if I had twins they would be Lilly and Lola.
17. What's your favorite boy's name?
John Henry (Jack), Banks, Wilbur, Jack Dennis, Ralph, Chase, Samuel, Garner, Fisher, George, Vance, Wills
18. What's your supermarket of choice?
Food Lion because it was founded in Salisbury!
19. What is your best character trait?
I don't demonstrate it at times like I should, but deep down, I don't judge anybody, we are all who we are, and I love everyone just the same. My best trait is that I give everyone a chance, and try to be kind.
20. What is your worst habit?
I am a perfectionist, so I feel guilty all of the time. Also, I have the mouth of a sailor...attractive!
The best blush to use is laughter, it puts roses on your cheeks, and in your soul!
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Charming Evening!

Hey girls!
So sorry for the lack of posts recently!
So tonight, is a pretty big night for this girl!
See, at Meredith, we have the most amazing traditions, which is part of the reason I chose to go there, its so fun!
Tonight, the sophomore class has Charming Evening, which is when we all have a dinner party, and receive our charms! I have a few close friends who are juniors, and so I got to see their charms from last year and they were just beautiful! It got me so excited!
For the event tonight, I plan on wearing my red Lilly, with a Velvet Ann Taylor coat, pearls (of course!), and a gold bracelet that my mom gave me for my 18th birthday, very special to me!
I love dressing up for every occasion, but especially for the traditional happenings at school, because you can dress your best! I used to wear a diamond ring that my mother gave me on my 16th birthday,on my pointer finger. I was hoping to wear that tonight too, but unfortunately, I slammed it in a drawer and one of them fell out! Ugh! I couldnt believe that happened, and neither could my mother! Reguardless, the gold bracelet will suffice, and the dinner looks to be amazing! I cant wait!
I hope you all are having a great Wednesday!
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