Hey girls!
The quote in the heading says it all...my imagination just isn't enough anymore, I know what I want to do, and the path that God has for me, and I am ready to get with it! Im ready to move to NYC or LA, and become a professional actress!
A lot has been going on lately! I wont bore you with school talk, because I dont even wanna bore myself talking about it, but I will share with you whats been going on with acting lately!
I have been getting more involved with professional acting, and am getting very serious about turning it into a career. I have been praying a lot about it over the last few months, and all of the peices are truly falling together perfectly! The only thing (for lack of a better way of saying this) that is still holding me back is school...oh skewl! Yes I am still finishing up with my little bit of sanity, and absolutely no patience! I have been so blessed with so many great opportunities lately, and I am just ready to get out (not that it doesn't have its moments, its not THAT bad)& start living the life that I want to live!
To start out:
A few weeks ago, I was so excited when I got the call that I was going to be in the Wedding episode of One Tree Hill! We all filmed for 3 days and I had the best time! I met some of the most wonderful people, and had a great time on the set! You can watch the episode on the link listed at the bottom of the blogpost!
Next I filmed the pilot episode of "Playing With Guns" starring Danny Masterson! He was so much fun to meet, I stood beside him in one scene which took around 2 hours to film, and that just made me smile! I met the director, and he spoke to me, and said he would keep my name and to get in touch when I moved to LA (YES, I am moving to LA!) He is a really nice person and I was so excited to be a part of the show!
Next up!
I just got the call last night that I will be filming with...
BLUE BLOODS in New York City!
I am so excited! I am filming on the 9th, and cannot wait to see what possibilities this could bring!
It is all just one step at a time, but I am loving every single minute of it!
If I could, I swear I would quit school, drive to LA or NYC tomorrow, and live in my car just to do auditions every day!
*When I told my mother that I would live in my car, she almost fell out of her chair (bahaha!), and it wasnt the wine she was only 1 glass in! I guess i'll be getting an apartment after all, sorry Hilary Swank, we won't get famous with the same story!
I love acting so much, the whole experience is what I am meant to do! I pray all the time, and at this point I just want to go and chase my goals!
I listed my talent website at the bottom of the blog too, so you can look if you want to!
I am also...
Get ready...
LA would mean that I would have the 2 cutest roommates, Southern Belles just like me that are moving to act as well! One of them I met through my agency, and we did a commercial together, and then ended up filming 'Playing With Guns" together! We are the perfect pair for parts! She is fabulous, and very driven which help keep me motivated! Her friend is a wonderful photographer, and so the 3 of us are moving to LOS ANGELES to do our very best to make our wildest dreams come true! I am so blessed, and so lucky to have met these girls and be able to have great roommates and friends in Los Angeles! I cannot wait to see what the future holds for all 3 of us!
Here are some of my favorite quotes said by my homegirl, Oprah! Not only do I have some of these written on my mirror to constantly remind me that life is a gift, and I can live however I choose, but I also believe in each one of these quotes!
They continually keep me motivated and faithful that I am meant to follow my dreams!
"Before you agree to do anything that might add even the smallest amount of stress to your life, ask yourself: What is my truest intention?"
"My philosophy is that not only are you responsible for your life, but doing the best at this moment puts you in the best place for the next moment."
"I know for sure that what we dwell on is who we become."
"The big secret in life is that there is no big secret. Whatever your goal, you can get there if you're willing to work."
"The biggest adventure you can ever take is to live the life of your dreams."
"Understand that the right to choose your own path is a sacred privilege. Use it. Dwell in possiblity."
"Every time you state what you want or believe, you're the first to hear it. It's a message to both you and others about what you think is possible. Don't put a ceiling on yourself."
"This is your moment. Own it."
"I always knew I was destined for greatness."
"Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you."
(NOT Charlie Sheen style!)
"What God intended for you goes far beyond anything you can imagine."
"What I know is, is that if you do work that you love, and the work fulfills you, the rest will come."
"You know you are on the road to success if you would do your job, and not be paid for it."
Here are some pictures from One Tree Hill!

One Tree Hill: Season 8 Episode 13; The Other Half Of Me
My Talent Website