Hey girls!
I have the best news! My cute aunt had a baby last Friday! I haven't had time to post about the newest cousin, but she is a beautiful baby girl! Her name is Lucy Elizabeth! My aunt told me she named her after both her Grandmothers and I, but please, y'all I wasn't born yesterday, I know shes just trying to sweet talk me into babysitting ;) haha! My Nana's name is Lucy and then my aunts mothers name is Elizabeth which just happens to be my middle name! None the less, I was absolutely flattered, and told her if she ever needed a sitter I would be more then happy too! I love babies, they are so cute! Especially this baby girl! ;) My uncle got her the cutest State hat, and she wore it all during the game the other day! So adorable! She has big blue eyes, and white blond hair...she looks just like my sister! Its always exciting to have a new baby!
On the way home from dinner with everyone tonight, IT STARTED SNOWING! It was coming down so hard, and we were so so excited! I am praying that it will snow the 3 inches that WRAL predicted tonight! It stopped, but I really think it will pick back up! Lord knows it would be fabulous to have another day off!
After dinner, my roommate and I ( she is the neatest person I know!) cleaned my room! It was much needed! I have essentially just let it go, and it needed to be put back together! She is so good at cleaning and organizing, she re did my closet in sections so now I can find everything. I had things in there I didn't even realize I still had! WHEW I am glad its done! I feel so much neater knowing that everything is in the right spot! I keep EVERYTHING! I mean I still had Christmas cards in my drawers from last semester, and I have all of my deb and high school scrapbooks. After I wrecked my car and couldn't walk for a few days I got really into scrap booking because it kept me so busy! I absolutely fell in love with it, but now I can never find time to do anything with them. They are fun to look back at! I also found this journal that I kept throughout my freshman and sophomore years! It was really funny to look back at that! I cant believe some of the stuff, and its so funny to have it written down because I would have never remembered half of what was in that journal! I apparently was totally in love with this guy that I met at Crusade Freshman year, and we used to go to church together. After reading, I do remember doing that! Too funny! I should start writing in it again, as much as I don't want to, and dont have the time to, I bet I would absolutely love to look back one day and see what I did!
Here are some cute pictures we took tonight in the "snow" haha!
Have a great Monday!