So sorry I took a hiatus from blogging recently! I am finally on Spring Break, and I have been extremely busy. It has been so nice to have a week with no school work!
So much has happened, so i'm gonna update this thing!
First of all, I am officially moving to NYC for the summer! AHHHH!
My roommate called the other morning and told me that she is now officially a summer intern for Eli Tahari!! AHHHH! YOU GO GIRL!
Since I won't hear from any of the news places until mid March, I got a little anxious. HELLO we have to get housing pretty soon, and I am hopeful that I will get a news internship, but you never know! So,just to be safe, I called (just) 27 PR firms and sent my resume to each one. One really personable lady guaranteed me an internship with a big PR firm, and the others are letting me know by Monday. So yes, I am going to be in NYC all summer long and I just can't wait!!
In other news, my mother had her yearly mammogram today. Now normally, I don't post about these things, but last year she had a breast cancer scare and sit just wasnt good! Cancer is SUCH a bitch! It was extremely scary, especially because, ya know, shes my rock and if anything ever happened to her I would just collapse! She was so graceful and faithful through all of it last year, and after a few biopsies, and surgeries she was absolutely fine! Still, it stays with you.
Anyways, so she went today, and I rode with her to Duke. As I waited, I was reading one of my etiquette books and praying that they wouldn't find anything new! Everyone in the waiting room looked anxious, but we all somehow exchanged a smile and said "hey".
That's what I love about waiting rooms, I always meet complete strangers, but they are always so sweet!
Well, she came out and told me she got a PERFECT report! WOO HOO!
On our way out, I wont lie, I was so excited that I was apparently doing a victory dance lookin' a fool, and she quickly told me to lock it up! Oops!
Once in the car, we both just cried, smiled, and were so so so excited! God is so good, im so excited this didnt have to be an issue anymore!
She said when she was waiting she just went into prayer, and apparently it works!
This is one thing I am so thankful for! She is such a blessing in everyone's life, and I am so so so thankful that she is all better!
Oh my gosh! I have been spring cleaning all afternoon because I just have so much energy built up from being anxious about my mothers Drs. appt that I just cannot relax. Let me just tell you that we went to Target and loaded up on cleaning supplies!
I'm having a love affair with my new magic erasers! They are a Godsend! They get everything off of anything...and thats just a miracle!
Also, I found these "leather wipes" and I am doing the whole living room set! It looks so fresh! Lastly, I am swiffering every room! I love spring cleaning more than Danny Tanner!
Oh gosh, also we got 4 inches of snow! How exciting! It was absolutely beautiful!
Some surrounding cities got up to 11 inches!!
My sister and her friends built a snowman, using my old burberry scarf, without asking! My brother unknowingly kicked it into the middle of the road! RUDE! Unfortunately for Sally the Snowbitch, and my scarf, a truck came by (which NEVER happens) and ran her over!
Then, one of our sweet neighbors had a get together with a bunch of families so that was a lot of fun! It is always so good to have a snow day and see friends! I will post some pictures!
The next day my mother and I, with some neighborhood friends of ours, went to the new IKEA in Charlotte! It was amazing! I felt like I had died and gone to Heaven! Their furniture is absolutely perfect for someones first home, or dorm room, or apartment (hence, in a year or 2 I will be back to stock up!) I loved it!
That is all that has been going on here these last few days!
Have a great Wednesday!