Last night I went to the Points West Debutante Party in Charlotte and it was so much fun! Deb parties are always fun. 2 girls I hadnt seen since high school went, and then the deb to be! It was so exciting!
We left around 3:30 and I rode with my friend T to Charlotte and we got there by 4, it was a quick trip! When we got there we met up with some more people and all decided to go to dinner. We went to this cute little Tavern restaurant in Charlotte, and can I just tell you I LOVE CHARLOTTE!!! I have worked at WBTV all summer long, but never really explored it!
The last time I saw alot of Charlotte was when I did the Avon Walk, but even then I was so out of breath I was just trying to finish, so needless to say I didnt notice all it had to offer!
After dinner, we just rode around and looked at everything, not even realizing that we had less then 2 hours to get ready!
When we got back to the hotel, there had to be atleast 300 college kids, and some of those boys were so cute! I LOVE to see southern boys all dressed up!
So anyways, we went up stairs and started getting ready. We left for the party around 9:15, and we didnt drink that night unfortunately, because everyone else that went was sooooo drunk! I was really glad we didnt though, because I just think at a debutante party you want to keep things calm, and classy! More importantly, remember the night!
Some of the debs and dates wont remember anything!
I was sitting with my friends and we were waiting for the band (who were the VOLTAGE BROTHERS, they are amazing they played at a debutante party my parents gave me once! I love them!) anyways, so as we were waiting I saw this girl and she was just all over the place so one of the chaperone's (who was not her mother) went and grabbed her calmly off of the dance floor and sat her down, when she sat down they brought her water and she threw it in the chaperone's face, and then knocked the food they brought her right off her plate and all over the chaperon. The chaperon, poor thing was trying to stay calm and she just smiled the whole time...until the girl decided she wanted to get up and dance some more, so the chaperon went to grab her and sat her down and she fell flat on her face! She was completely wasted, which personally I think its real fun to be tipsy and dance, but there is no need to be that drunk and make a fool of yourself in front of society at a Debutante Function! How embarrassing! I felt bad for her, because right after that the band yelled "We have 15 more minutes and this party is over!" It ended an hour early because people were smoking pot in the bathroom, and there were so many mini bottles everywhere.
The band played great music, and I loved meeting all of the new people! I saw a bunch of people from MC and it was so good to see them! I absolutely love stuff like that!
We got up this morning, and went to lunch at Cheesecake Factory, that might be my favorite place to eat! It is so good, we went to the one at Southpark Mall and then walked around for a while, I went in Anthropology and found the cutest dresses, and books!!
It was a really fun weekend!
Tonight I came home, and apparently one of my neighbors houses got broken into, and they caught some 16 year old and his response was
"they looked like they had money, id do it again"
Seriously, what a dumbass! I swear, I have 911 on speed dial, nobody better be coming down my way any time soon! I just think its pathetic that people keep breaking into houses!
On a lighter note, this was hilarious! There is this couple in the neighborhood and they are, OMG, so funny! Their house looks like an army bunker in AZ.
So anyways, their house got rolled with toilet paper the other night, and I was walking in the neighborhood and saw it and I just about died laughing! It was priceless!
It has been a good week, never a dull moment!
Today, Vineyard Vines sent me a big package of whale hats, koozies, and stickers!
Let me know if any of you girls want stickers, or koozies and if I have any left I would love to send you one!!
Then I got another package with a "Whale Rep" hat, beach towel, and a beach ball...all Vineyard Vines! I love being a rep!
Have a great Su