Hey girls!
I never have time to do this, but I am finally going to post my 5 favorite things!
1.) My moms car!
I absolutely LOVE SUV's, they make me feel so big! Haha, my poor Volvo S80 has been having so many issues and it is not even that old! My mother and I took it to the dealership the day before I came back to Raleigh and they were so sweet and accommodating! I started telling the man all of the problems I was having, and he stopped me mid sentence and said they would keep it until next week and fix everything for me and give me a rental! This probably sounds normal, but I was really just going in for a maintenance check, so I thought it was really sweet. The nicest people were getting their cars worked on that day too, there must have been like 5 sets of mothers and daughters! Long story short, they were going to rent me the car that Edward Cullen drove in Twilight, and it was red...dont get me wrong I am in LOVE with Edward Cullen, but not so much in love with that ugly car! Also, I have a problem with speeding tickets already, and a red car just wouldn't help so...I asked if they had something that had more room. They did, and now my mother is driving my rental because who knew that I had to be 21 to drive it. she is now the proud owner of the Volvo Wagon! So, this week I have my moms big SUV, and, oh my Lord, it charges through the crowds on campus, and I always get good parking! I think I want to trade with her! Haha!
2.) The Mamma Mia Soundtrack!
Does anyone else think the whole cd is amazing!? It is so good, Meryl Streep is just talented! I love Peirce Brosnan too, but Lord i'm still getting used to his singing voice. Even if he sounds bad, he is so sharp. I love Amanda Seyfreds voice too! I can't believe she was in mean girls as one of the plastics! She is a really good actress, and did so well in Mamma Mia. I love the soundtrack, I haven't taken it out since I got it! It just makes you feel good when you listen to it!
3.) My sweet friends!
I absolutely love my friends, I am so happy that we have gotten to see so much of each other before classes start, and everything gets crazy! I don't know what I would do without them. A few of us had dinner at this great place called the Noodle something or other, I forget, but if you live in Raleigh and ever go to Cameron Village, eat there! It is great! Also, we just had a welcome home party yesterday for my friend who came home from Kenya and I cant tell you how much we smiled and laughed. We hadn't all been in the same room in over 3 years, it was truly such a wonderful day! Thankfully we all agreed we just cannot go that long without getting together again, so we are planning a housewarming party for my friend K when she moves in Feb! YAY! Those girls are such good girls, they are all 2 years older then me so they have actual jobs now and it freaks me out! One of them is a nurse at Duke and she just started in the pediatric unit! The other one is an 8th grade teacher with hilarious stories about kids hitting on her...so funny! The one who just got home from Kenya is heading to Americorps! I think that would be just amazing! Some of the others live far away and couldn't be there, but we sure did miss them! I am so blessed to have them, and so happy we all got to spend a fun Sunday together!
4.) "The One Hundred" By Nina Garcia
This is one of the books I got for Christmas, and OH MY GOSH, it has 100 pieces of clothing that every woman should have in her closet with all of this information like what brands there are, and where to get it, and the drawings are out of this world! Its like 2 or 3 pages per piece! Lord knows, I may never own every piece but it is so much fun to read! Absolute Heaven! I don't like all of it, but it may depend on where you live. This book is one of my very favorites, right up there with Essentially Lilly!
5.) My new Religion Class!
The professor is by far one of the nicest professors that I have ever met, and today was the first day. She absolutely made it a point to learn all of our names, as well as other facts we wanted to share. She is just very personable and the class is called Biblical Lit. It is a gen-ed requirement, but I think it will be wonderful! I am so excited. I am Presbyterian, and there are a lot of different religions in the class so it should be really interesting. The girls in the class are all Freshman and some Seniors because like me, the Seniors waited really late to take it.
Have a great Monday!!