Umm, so I have made an amazing new discovery! I am, obviously, as white as freakin Casper, so I need a remedy to help me get TAN! I discovered Jergens like 3 years ago, when only the "fair" bottle was avaliable, boy am I glad that advanced! I finally found what i've been praying for all of these years...Jergens finally came out with a foam tanner! YEAH! I use it constantly, because seriously it dries in like 2 seconds and it doesnt get all over my clothes! Im in Heaven!
This past weekend, my mom came up. She got here mid-afternoon on Thursday, and I was so excited to see her! She gave me a call on the way, and OMG she had the cab driver from hell apparently! He was going crazy, so instead of the greeting I was expecting, she told me she was currently fighting for her life in a cab with a crazy ass driver...okay mom, good luck! The minute I turned the corner on 42nd street, after the large man stepped on my toe, I was so happy to see her standing outside the hotel! I will never forget the looks on our faces when we saw each other, it was like we hadn't seen each other in years! Im so used to talking to her every day, but here, we are lucky to talk once a week! Things are crazy here, and crazy there so ya know, its just impossible! So excited she got to come for a long weekend!
Little did she know, I had so much to catch her up on! I can tell stories about anything, so really she spent the first 3 hours listening to me go on and on about pointless stuff thats happened to me, but I thought was hilarious! We checked in and found out we were on the 33rd floor! This was perfect, because in the hotel I live in, we have a view of the city dump, but here we had the best view of New York and Times Square! Needless to say, it was a nice change of scenery!
Once we were all settled, and caught up, we went and had a glass of wine at Local, this cute little roof top restaurant right beside Madison Square Garden, and conveinetly, my hotel! After Local, we made dinner plans with my friend J, because she is from Salisbury too!! Her mom was visiting as well, and we really wanted our moms to meet!
After we left the restaurant, we went to sit on the Post Office steps for a little while with the sketchys of NYC until we figured out what we wanted to do next...we figured it out pretty quickly! I ran out of quarters to give people!
In all seriousness though, one thing I have missed most about home is having daily/nightly "porchtime" with my mom and sister! We can sit on our porch for hours and talk about everything under the Sun! Not to mention, it was so good to hear what was going on at home. Sam graduated, and is so so so excited about school which I was thrilled to hear! He is going to do great things, he has the biggest heart! Sarah had just left for camp, and shes got this HUGE personality so we knew she was going to have a great week with her friends, and mostly we were both thrilled both of them had activities to do while my mom was in NYC. Seeing my mom definitly made me miss home, but reguardless, I am thrilled to death to be in New York City!
After we had our "stair time" at the sketch, but beautiful post office, we headed back to my hotel to meet K!! She had to work that day, but I was so excited she was staying with us! I love when our parents visit! We were so ready to get out of our hotel room and stay with my mom!! YAY! I packed more than my mom did, which is sad because she was the one that actually traveled! I packed everything!
After packing, my mom and I went to the hotel restaurant to have a quick drink and talk a bit more about things going on before 7:30 when we planned on leaving for dinner.
Around 7:30, J her mom, and her moms friend met the 3 of us, and we all took off for the Subway! It was quite the adventure! Once we got on, there was a woman who was give or take 35 years old, and she had a "brown bag" with "root beer" in her hand! I was gonna give her the benefit of the doubt, but then once the Subway took off, and she FELL into another woman, we all realized, pshh...she was TRASHED on the Subway! Illegal much?
She started doing a pole dance for her boyfriend, and obviously the rest of us seeing as half of us were using her pole to hold on to, so we wouldnt fall to our death in the tiny car, and needless to say, we were all about to DIE! She started singing some nasty song, and dancing all over the pole...thank GOD we stopped and there were seats avaliable so nobody had to hold on to that pole!
She kept saying she didn't know where she was going, and I thought for the love of God, get off the freakin Subway!
At the next stop, someone told her to get the hell off, it was where she needed to be! Once the entertainment (haha, joking) finally left, the Subway went back to normal!
We got to our stop, and it was in this area I had never been to. It was absolutely beautiful, but all of the buildings kindof reminded me of a nursing home! Mom found this place called Gabrielle's before she got to NYC, so we just had to try it! I had been craving real Mexican food for weeks, and it turned out to be a wonderful spot! They had the best Sangria! One of us had a drink that was PINK & GREEN, so cute!
After dinner, J wanted to take the moms to Van Deimens, but the moms weren't as excited as we were! We were ready to show them our favorite bar! haha! Mom, K, and I headed back to the hotel to relax!
The next day, I had to work for an hour, and then I got to spend time with my mom!
We went to the Upper West Side and ate at this great place called "Good Enough to Eat!" She used to eat there with my Aunt a lot when she lived in NYC. I knew she was really happy when we found it, because my mom never waits in line if its a bad wait, but oh we waited, and it was so so so well worth it!! I loved sharing that memory with my mom, and I could tell she was really excited too!
They had the BEST blueberry pancakes! Also, the service was amazing!
After lunch, we went to Papyrus to look for some stationary. I decided to wait, because I knew id never be able to find this place again to pick up monogrammed stationary, but I really do need to get some soon! I ran out over a month ago!
After that, we went to Lohman's, and tried on Sunglasses, and shoes until we couldn't do it anymore! I didn't really find anything I wanted, which was surprising, but we still had 3 days so I knew I could hit Ann Taylor and Banana Republic eventually!
Then K got off at 1 so we went back to meet up and decide what to do next! We ended up hitting Banana, and Ann Taylor! I found the cutest black dress, and black silk top! I dont really need anymore black, but its all I ever buy because it just seems so classy to me!
You can never go wrong shopping in those 2 stores!
That night, we decided we would go see "My Sisters Keeper"! My mom and K have read the book, I have heard about it. It seemed like it was going to be a really sad, but good movie.
We got ready about an hour before it started, so we went and had mimosas at the hotel, and just talked about everything under the sun! It was so much fun, just to have girl time and catch up! I loved it! I think I could just sit with a drink and talk to people for the rest of my life and be a happy girl!
After that, we got to the theater, which was right by our hotel, so convenient! The movie was so good, and we were all in tears from 5 minutes in until the very end! It was very good, but very very sad! Cameron Diaz did really well, I wasnt sure how she would do playing a mother, but she did a wonderful job! Also, the "sick daughter" played "Eloise" in the movie, so it was hard to picture her as a teenager! Abigail Breslin is always great in whatever she plays so of course she did well! I, personally, dont do so well with cancer, especially when kids have it. I know, it was just a movie, but it was so deep! The movie ending was very different than the book, but I loved the way the movie ended. I cant imagine though, if you are a parent with a sick child, you have a special place in my heart, because even in a movie, it is just so sad!
I loved it though, and I was so glad I got to see it with my mom and K!
After that, we got pizza, and then my mother and I went to walk the streets and go by the Quiksilver shop to see what we could find for S & S! I love that surf shop! Its huge!
The next day, we decided to go and site see for a bit, and go to another one of my mothers favorite spots! We had brunch at "Sarabeths" in Lord & Taylor! The french toast was just to die for, and the restaurant was decorated so beautifully! I really enjoyed it! Also, the mimosas were good too!
We then made our way to St. Patrick's Cathedral, but on the way we hit a parade! We stopped for a bit to watch! It was so neat to see everyone doing all of these different dances for their countries! I loved it! Then we kept walking, and made it to the church! I was so glad I got to tour it again with my mom, its so beautiful!
After that, we went to Rockefeller Center, and shopped around, also took a lot of pictures! I love Rockefeller Center!
Then, we went back to the hotel because, my mom is a walker! I bet throughout the whole weekend we walked 10 miles! We had to take a break!
That night, M wanted to come to dinner, so of course he came, and we were going to all go to one of my mothers favorite spots, Carmines, but there was a 2 hour wait...I don't think so!
We ended up going to Restaurant Row, and were going to do our usual favorite spot, Becco's, but then found the cutest place right beside of it. It was such a gorgeous night, so we were able to eat outside. It was the perfect dinner! I was glad M met mom, its fun when she meets people I know up here!
We then went to our hotel where we stayed when we visited last time, "Hilton Garden Inn"! I was praying that the doormen that were so friendly last time would remember us! Mom and K didn't think they would, but HELLO if I remembered them, they might remember us!
Well, they DID!!!!
Donald, Ken, and Greg were STILL giving us high fives when we walked in, I was so excited!
After that, M and I went back to moms hotel, and mom and K were tired so they went up but M and I had a nightcap and then I headed to bed as well.
The next day, we had these huge amazing waffles for breakfast, and then sadly it was time for my mother to go back home!
I hate goodbyes, so of course tears were flowing down these cheeks! I felt like a 2 year old, but it is always very hard to tell her goodbye! We are so close, and we had just the best time! I cant wait to see her again soon!
I am very excited for 4 of my friends to come up soon! 2 of them are coming one weekend in July and then 2 more the next! I absolutely cant wait to see those girls! It has been too long! We have all had busy summers, and then of course the 4th is coming up so that should be fun as well! We are thinking of renting a room in the Hampton's for a night!
I have GOT to share that FOX News here in NYC did a phone interview with me on Friday about a Fall internship! I prepared over 7 pages of notes so that I would be so ready for this interview! It really could not have gone better, and now I am officially a candidate for the FOX DC, and FOX NYC Internship! The only downfall is that it is unpaid, so I may not take it. I think my mother wants me to go ahead and finish up school in Raleigh, so that I can get an actual job. Another possibility that I just sent in today is ABC in DC. They wanted to reconsider me for the Fall, which is great because I have talked to the lady in charge for over a year and she is very sweet. I am looking forward to hearing from them as well. If I get ABC though, I will probably take it because, it is paid and they house you. Also, I am sure I could take classes in DC.
Life is short, too short to waste, so if I get a great internship doing what I love, I would love to take it.
Speaking of life being short, it has been such an emotional week! I think that may be why I had such a hard time with my mother leaving! See okay, the boy that my Aunt introduced me to went on vacation with his family. I am not going to give many details, but his mother died on vacation, and I just found out. I feel so much hurt for him, because I know they were very close, and although I didnt know her, it is just so hard to imagine losing a mother!
Also, the ShamWOW guy, Michael Jackson, Farrah Fawcet, Ed McMann, and a friend of mines doctor...its just a lot of people dying at once! I dont do so well with goodbyes, and death is always very hard! I just dont know whats happening! I was really shocked to hear that MJ died, my gosh! I have never listened to his music as much as I do now! Its crazy! There is a wax figure set up outside of Madame Tousants, in NYC and everyone is gathered around it crying constantly, also people made hats and shirts! I feel kind of bad for him, people are making so much profit off of his death! It is so sad that all of these people died!
In happier news, today I am at work and so excited because J, my BFF, quit her other internship because it just wasnt what she thought it was going to be, so now she is working with me!!! She is the newest employ! YAY!!
I will post pictures from the last few days later today!
Have a great Monday!