Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Hey girls!

SO, shopping for Project Santa begins tomorrow, and needless to say I am the happiest girl alive! I countdown every year for PS to begin! Lately, I have been helping check out families, and order fruit! The Food Lion truck comes Friday, and oh my gosh I dont want it to end! I wish I could get a paying job doing something like Project would make my life!

I freakin love shopping for all the kids, and especially being in charge, well half in charge for the day! I always go with K, she and I are always in charge of the toys.

I have been helping with toys since I was 12, but last year I had to step up, and hold more responsibility with Project Santa. Now, I really feel like a part of the whole project!

K and I sit in our designated chairs and call out the names of these sweet children, then we all fill boxes with their Christmas wishes! We unload toys, and then divide them by gender, and age group.

However, every year when we shop, I just HAVE to play little pranks on K. This year is MY me when I say, what I got for us is gold!

I bought these HUGE ugly headset walkie know, so I can locate K when she goes astray from the task...hahaha!

I plan on constantly yelling "K, isle 5".

I think it will show how serious I take Project Santa, and make people run when they see these bad boys in their isle! WOO HOO!



KAC said...

I've never heard of Project Santa but that sounds great and like so much fun!

Ps I left you something on my blog!

Preppy Pink Crocodile said...

Wishing you a merry and magical Christmas!