The best blush to use is laughter, it puts roses on your cheeks, and in your soul!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
It has been so long since 've posted, but it has been a great, fun holiday with little free time! I am so sorry, but I hope all of you had wonderful Christmas' and are planning to have a great New Year as well!
Well, it's hard to believe that Christmas has already come and gone. I got so many great things, so many new etiquette books, dresses, movies, gift cards, ect. I was so happy on Christmas morning! Although, I did get the J Crew "Crewcuts" marching coat in pink in an XXL and it is too tight in the shoulders! AHH! So I am going to Southpark tomorrow to exchange it. It is beautiful though, so I hope somebody will buy it and love it!
Project Santa was amazing, I got to help shop for toys, and that was an adventure! We had to take Our State Magazine in everywhere we went to prove we were a "real" organization! Then, I got to give these little 5th graders a tour of the church we work out of, and they were just too funny! They helped me clean out the toy closet and re organize it, after a while they got bored and started throwing toys at each other, oh and then at me...umm thats a no-go!
Then they started throwing toys at their teachers, that's when they went from the toy closet to making up fruit baskets!
Well, the next day, I got to help call out names for toys and for 2 days straight I got to the church at 8am and didn't move from my chair until 8pm. It didn't phase me at all, because I was so busy I guess. I told my family that if I could have a job like that all the time, around people I love, and doing what I love my life would be absolutely complete! If only we all could be so lucky to do what we love every day! My name has been on that chair since I was 10...I wrote it in sharpie so nobody would ever forget that I sit at the table, and call names every single year! I absolutely love it!
Also on Christmas Eve, I finally got to control the Project Santa book! Its a long story, but we had a bit of a crisis and my Grandfather asked me to do books because he had to direct routes. This was a huge deal to me, and I was so excited that he would trust me with that...maybe I will even get a business card next year! Also, it happened because after going on a route, which was very sad, I was told by my grandfather to stay at the church and handle the routes and paper work because he only had 2 hands and he had to much to do haha! This was such a big deal to me, because I have never been allowed to look at, much less TOUCH the book! I got to file papers, and call out routes, and my friend C helped me with directions, hes a genius! He works at WXII News and said he wanted to get me an interview with a news director, how great! Also, this guy and his wife that I always do routes with paid me the nicest compliment I have ever recieved! I am only putting it on here so I never forget it. He compared me to Caroline Kennedy...I dont believe that, but they were both so sweet!
After the madness, and chaos... C and I were returning cars to their lots since we borrowed them to run routes, and at first I got to drive this awesome Suburban...and I decided that I really want one someday!
HAHA! C had to drive a mini van, and I was DYING laughing!
No offense to mini-vans but men just look so funny in them.
Well the second go-round, he had a truck and I had this ugly fusha "Windstar" mini van. Those are not bad, but this one had engine trouble!
Again, no offense to you if you love mini-vans but I am more of an SUV girl!
So we are driving, an C is flying in his truck, and makes this turn.
Now y'all, I am supposed to follow him, so I go to turn the curb and AHHH I hydroplaned and skidded in the mini-van! HAHA!
It was real pretty! I, and the rest of the people on the road, laughed...and we laughed hard! Apparently, its a mom car for a reason!
The tire tracks are still there! It wouldn't have been as great if it hadn't been a mini-van taking the turn at 45 mph!
I looked like a soccer mom that forgot a Christmas present!
We got the vans returned and then Gerald, the biggest redneck in Denton came to pick us up! He is one of my favorite people! When C and I got in his truck, I sat on his gun and screamed! HAHA! Gerald said he shoots birds from the truck while driving...thats when I began to hope we would make it back to the church...alive! He looks just like Santa!
I am so happy because I have had a chance to catch up with so many of my good friends over break, a friend of mine and myself have started walking the entire golf course each day, and talking about everything under the sun! She goes to school in Raleigh, and we have made it an absolute priority to get together at least once a week, because there is just no excuse not to!
I am going to a New Years Eve party tomorrow with E, he is coming back to Salisbury to go with me. It is a party that my friend from High School throws every year, and I am so looking forward to it, because it means catching up with so many old friends! I never lose touch with the people that are coming to this party, because if we do...we know that once a year we will always pick right back up where we left off and it is great!
I hope you all have a Happy New Year!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Hopelessly Addicted to Edward Cullen!
Oh my gosh, I went and saw Twilight tonight and I am in love! I'm serious, more serious then all of the 12 year olds who "think" they love Edward Cullen, I really do!
No more spray tans for this girl, Edward Cullen makes pale look so good! He is so gorgeous! WOW!
I was really impressed with the movie, and I am ordering the books first thing tomorrow! I never, ever get into these things like Harry Potter, Twilight, ect. but Edward Cullen makes me melt, so I just can't help myself!
You all just enjoy this image...for hours on end...he is too beautiful not to stare at!
E called me right after the movie, and I couldn't help it...I told him I was in love with Edward Cullen! HAHA! No, but he wants to go see it, so that means I GET TO SEE IT AGAIN! My roommate and her sister and I may even go sometime this week too, so I am gonna make E go with me then!
The whole story line is so good! I can see why people love it.
Well, i'm off to pack and get ready for the luncheon tomorrow!
Monday, December 15, 2008
Christmas Survey
I love all of the home videos we made at my grandparents over the years, they are so funny and sweet of all of us! It is so great to look back at the memories! Those are my favorite Christmas movies...oh and of course National Lampoons Christmas Vacation!
2. Favorite Christmas Song?
Barlowgirl's Christmas is so beautiful! Mistletoe- Colbie Caillat, and The First Noelle- N'Sync
3. Favorite Holiday Memory?
Probably the year I got my Barbie Jeep, oh and of course when my Nana thought it would be necessary to give me a training bra when I was 9!! Y'all i'm 20 and probably still can't fit into the damn thing! haha! all of my cousins (who are boys and may as well be my brothers, we are all very close!) thought it was hilarious! Not only was that a crazy day, but its also on one of the home videos so we all get to revisit the memory every year! GEEZ!
4. What kind of cookie/treat do you like to make?
I LOVE to make caramel cake! My mom actually makes it, it was her Grandmothers recipe, but it is wonderful! It looks and tastes amazing!
5. Have you ever made an igloo?
Lord yes! My friends and I were in High School, they were seniors and I was a sophomore and we spent 2 hours building an igloo at the driving range. It could fit all 7 of us in there! When we took our lunch break at the club, we came back and all of these cute kids were posing for pictures in it because the parents thought the club had built it! It was so much fun! It lasted for 3 whole days!
6. Do you love Starbucks?
I like it, but hardly ever go.
7. What makes the perfect Snowman?
A carrot nose!
8. Best gift you have ever received?
I absolutely loved the year that I got my 1st Lilly Dress.
9. What is the snowman's name on Rudolph?
Wow, I have absolutely no idea.
10.Silver or Gold?
11. What is your favorite Christmas decoration?
My mothers beautiful wreaths she puts on our windows, and the tree! Both are just beautiful! OH and of course our Life Size Santa!
12. What's your Christmas decorating style?
Very classic, I live in a yellow wooden house and its very long and tall, so we usually do wreaths on all the windows, candles in the windows, a big tree with white lights and childhood ornaments in the big bay window in our dining room, another tree on our front fenced porch, and greenery along the stairs outside, and inside with holly tucked inside. It is always so pretty when I drive home for the first time from school! It just makes me smile!
13. Do you hang stockings?
YES! We all have matching green and red stockings, mine has a blonde girl on it.
14. How many days do you celebrate Christmas?
Well, Project Santa lets me celebrate from December 1st to the 25th, but the actual holiday on the 25th!
15. What was your favorite ornament on the tree as a child?
Whatever we all made in bible school that year, and looking at them now, my mother was good to let us hang those for all to see haha!
16. Where will you be spending this Christmas?
At home with my family and friends!
17. What was your favorite holiday tradition as a child?
Christmas Eve- delivering the toys to the children, and seeing so many happy faces that I only get the chance to see once a year.
18. What's your favorite Christmas food?
Y'all, I eat any and everything! My plate is stacked as high as Mt. Everest! I just can't choose my favorite thing, but my moms coconut pies are really good!
19. Do you like colored lights or white lights on your Christmas tree?
My Busy Week!
Let me just tell y'all about my week!
So today, I am back in Raleigh and one of my roommates is here! YAY! I have been missing them already!
I was supposed to tutor today, but one of the kids, poor thing, got a stomach virus! Those are so awful especially around this time of year. I am so paranoid about throwing up! Oh well, now I have so much time to get things done!I have printed out more resumes for more news stations.
Speaking of news anchors, as I was packing this morning, Dr. Phil was on and NANCY GRACE was on his show! YAY!
Absolutely made my morning!
She is just too funny, and so smart. People think she gives her opinion and doesn't state the facts, but really she does state the facts, just with an attitude so you think its simply her opinion! Personally I don't care what she does as long as her show stays on air!
Anyways, so Dr. Phil was talking about "Horror Headlines" like with murders and stuff, and I almost changed it when that cute Anne Presley's picture came up. I thought her incident was just the saddest thing that I had ever heard! A man murdered, and raped her. The suspect they caught has other charges against him involving some of the same actions. Also, women at a gym were complaining about him!
Moving on, let me tell you what Nancy had to say today, it is just so funny! (Not the situation by any means, her facial expressions, and comments)
They were discussing the 8 year old boy who allegedly murdered his father, and his fathers roommate Tim.
Nancy said: "Not to speak ill of the dead, but what kind of parent gives an 8 year old boy access to a 20 caliber!?"
Then, Nancy and Dr. Phil were discussing another murder where a 13 (at the time) year old boys sister made him take the blame for shooting her husband, when she herself shot him! Let me add, she is now on death row, and he got out of jail 6 years later. YIKES!
Nancy Said "To the sister sitting on death row, I hope you ROT in hell!"
HAHA, so quick, and so witty! She can make her point.
So anyways when I got to Raleigh, I accidentally left my lights in my car on for an hour, so I really hope it starts later! I was talking to one of my best friends from High School and just completely forgot to turn them off...Whoops! I also accidentally left my keys in the door, I have got to stop being so ditsy and remember these things! See, I accidentally dropped my laptop on the way in the house, while still on the phone, and a girl only has 2 hands! I forgot all about my keys, y'all know how it goes, too much at one time!
Wednesday, I am attending a Debutante Luncheon in honor of one of my good friends in Salisbury! I am so very much looking forward to it, it will be my mom and me and then many other daughters and mothers! It will be just beautiful. I am not sure what I am going to wear yet, I don't want to be too fancy but I do want to be very classy. My mom and I could not decide whether to go because it is such a hectic week, but anything to do with Deb season, and I am hooked. I cannot say enough about how much it meant to me to be a Debutante, it is not as important to some people, but for me it really helped me come into my own and I love living up to the expectations of a Debutante. Her deb ball was actually about a month ago, so I guess this is just a luncheon to celebrate it one more time. No excuse needed! haha!
Thursday, My friend who is having the deb luncheon, her brother and I are best friends! I have known them both forever, and they are such sweet people! He is the same one that I went to that Country Club with, if you haven't heard about that, scroll back a few posts! It is too funny! Anyways, T and I are headed to the Biltmore Estate to see it decorated for Christmas. That is our gift to each other. So excited!
Then, im going toy shopping for Project Santa with a few people, we go every year together and get extremely outspoken when it comes to toy shopping because I am very adamant on getting the kids what they request depending upon our budget. Karen, this funny lady who thinks she knows what kids want tries to buy cheap toys, but no no! Not this year! I am all about deals, but does a 16 year old boy want a remote control car?! NO! He wants a play station, tv, or radio thank you very much! Despite the overwhelming atmosphere, we always have a good time, and we both get to be in charge! I am looking forward to it, we are hitting every toy store within 2 hours of Denton and not lookin' back! These kids are really going to smile on Christmas!
I hope you all have a wonderful Monday!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Wow! What a week it has been! I have been up until 3 am for the past 3 days, and I am sooo tired! When I get tired, I get a tad bit more outspoken and rude then usual! It hasn't been pretty today haha!
The first night I got home, it was around 10 and I just unpacked forever! There is a lot going on around home right now and I am I think just overwhelmed. Its okay though because its Christmas and everything is always okay at Christmas time!
The second night, I stayed up with some friends who were home and watched Christmas movies until I just couldn't watch much fun! Last night, I went out riding golf carts with a nice glass of wine and my friends. We always ride so late and don't even realize it! (Can you girls tell I live in a small town with limited options on things to do!)
Tonight is the big High School youth group party that my mom throws every year! It is so much fun, well it used to be for me. I actually am staying upstairs for this one, although we did spend much of yesterday and today cleaning house and it looks fantastic! She did such a great job, as always! She has been throwing this shindig since I was in the 9th grade, and it starts with dinner, then the youth goes caroling around my neighborhood (haha always a thrill...not!) After they carol, they come back and do a gift draw, and some of the gifts are hilarious! It used to just be one of my favorite nights of the year.
Also, I know this is probably so sac-religious but it is so worth mentioning!!
So we have this sweet pastor at our church, hes absolutely wonderful with the old and the sick of our congregation, and he does well in the pulpit. So today, he was leading the Pastoral Prayer, and he says " We pray for all of the sick and the poor throughout our country today. (Here we go!) Also, we pray for the stampeding at Wal-Mart, and the shootings at...Toys R Us."
Okay, all of that is very, very sad! This poor man though, talks about as slow as a turtle walks! In Mexico on our mission trips, we had a joke that if we asked him what the day had in store, it would be over by the time he got an answer out! Very slow, slow talker! He is truly a great preacher though and I probably shouldn't have told that story. It was just so funny though, how slow and serious he could say the words Wal-Mart and Toys R Us! My sister and I were dying laughing, and my mother was none to happy, she was actually down front serving communion, but oh did she see our faces trying to hold back! I bet if we had busted out laughing she would have been almost as unhappy as she was when I wore my monogrammed strapless dress last Easter Sunday...I will never forget her looking at me and saying "not in my pew!" Granted it was a little cold, and I was coming from Lake Norman with my friends, I should have gotten a sweater. Y'all all know that Southern Mommas have their rules! Her facial expressions are always absolutely priceless, and she never gets angry.
Okay, back to the last few days! I have been printing off my resume and cover letter and sending them to over 30 stations that I found on this great media website. I am asking that they just keep me in mind for the future because my advisor says this is always a good idea, I sure hope he's right! I am so excited to see the plan that's in store for me! I think I am gonna love where I am at in 5 years career wise if I can just stick with it!
Well, I will post again soon! Have a great Sunday!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
I am so sorry my posts suddenly stopped again, but it was exam week and it was hectic! I got through and they all went great! I had the best time just sitting in the house studying and having a Friends marathon for 3 long days!
I am officially finished for the semester and I am so happy about it! Although, I am sad to leave all of my friends for the holiday, but we will all be back and fourth to Raleigh so that is very exciting!
Well yesterday was just long! I had 3 exams, and MY INTERNSHIP DIRECTOR YELLED AT ME!
He was yelling at another girl when I got in there, and she left balling so I had to just say a quick prayer and go in! I was not happy with him! He gave me 4 hours notice that I had to have a letter from my internship boss at the news. She had been out of town for 2 weeks, and I had to call her 5 times and get her to write it before 5 yesterday or he said he would fail me! It wasn't even my fault, but thank God I work well under pressure and got it done.
So I get in his office with her on the phone and he goes "I am so sick of you damn interns givin' me shit about your excuses" and I was like, well here's another excuse buddy! my boss has been out of town and she will have it by 8 am Tuesday, is that okay? "NO! Have it by 5 or you fail, I am running out of patience Garner!"
GEEZ, at this point I was just ready to cry!
So then I walk back to ask him a question and HES TALKING ABOUT ME to another teacher...RUDE!
I calmly told the asshole that my parents don't talk to me that way, and if there was a problem then he could explain it because I don't do well with yelling. (i'm outspoken, but I hate yelling!) I told him that if I got here at 4:59 and he was gone, he better not even think about failing me because I was on my way to an exam at 2, and he threw this on me...stressed!
Somehow, I made it through and was still nice to everyone, thank you GRITS books!
Well I went back at 4:30 with my stuff and he apologized, and I mean I really like him as a teacher but how rude...seriously! I am a 20 year old girl, don't yell at me for your mistake buddy!
Anyways on a better note, tonight since my roommates and I are all done we are celebrating! I am making Vodka Tonics all around, we are opening the cutest new bottle of wine and some friends are coming over to hang out and talk about what a crazy semester we had!
I feel like everything comes up all at once at the end of the semester for me, and I have to rush to finish it all.
Today, I had to take my car to be looked at because the breaks were grinding and it turns out it is a BIG problem with the suspensions, but that's okay because there was a CUTE guy in the gas station (not working, waiting for his car too!) and then the gas station I go to knows me because I always go there! They are about 2 seconds from my house, and they are so helpful!
It has been a great few months, and I am bittersweet about this semester ending!
If any of y'all are teachers, or taking exams God Bless You girls!
Have a great Tuesday!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Oh Happy Day!
Oh wow, today has just started out wonderful!
As you know, when I get bored I apply for jobs haha, so I applied for this job last Tuesday at a CPA firm in Raleigh. It appeared to be very professional, and the dress was checked on the sheet as: professional(!! my suits won't go to waist after this internship is over!!) , and it was just the most perfect position!
So, I sent my resume, and cover letter which never let me down (thank the Lord in Heaven!) and 15 minutes later I got a phone call at work.
I interviewed this morning at 10 and stayed until 11:30 talking tennis, and politics with everyone in the place! The absolute sweetest, most personable group of people I have ever met! I first met with the cutest lady in the world, 62 year old Daisy! She and I will be working together be it that I get hired, and she is just the nicest person! She told me that she thinks her granddaughter and I look alot alike, and asked if I was a natural blonde. This absolutely made her one of my favorite people, as my hair was darkened and I keep thinking its brown! What an angel!
I wore my banana Republic black and white tweed suit with pearls and my sunglasses proudly on my head (people say don't do this but it compliments me) I thought it was funny as I was walking I looked at myself in the window to make sure I was lookin good (don't we all, c'mon girls don't lie!) I realized that I posed a striking resemblance to Lindsay Lohan in the Parent Trap when she arrived at summer camp in her suit hahaha!! Too funny!
Then, I met the CPA's themselves who were intimidating at first, but then I got used to them and found out one of them is an avid tennis player!
I then met the office manager who was from New Orleans and we both went to Catholic schools, I was only supposed to talk to her for 5 minutes, but we talked for 30 about everything under the sun!
They said they have more interviews but they will decide soon, and I am just hoping and praying because their firm is very small, in an office building, and they are like a big family! I also love the professional environment, and I cannot say that enough! I am supposed to interview for a babysitting job tomorrow, but girls I think that this CPA job is irresistible! I really think it will look nice on my resume, as well as provide an excellent learning environment for me to work in with little to no yelling, and criticism!! Thats a huge plus because I don't like criticism.
Last night, E came over again and my roommates and I all had wine and talked for hours and hours, then my roommate and I decided to make macaroni and cheese at 3am. We were so hungry for some reason, and just not tired! Those nights to me are the most memorable, and so much fun!
In other news, I love my GRITS books, as you know! Well I e-mailed Deborah Ford, the author the other day about the GRITS clubs, and she e-mailed me back and we have a phone call on Monday to discuss starting clubs around NC, so if you girls are interested let me know and I will keep you all posted on here! I am so excited to talk to her, she is an amazing author, and honestly a celebrity!! Hello, she wrote the book I keep beside my bible! LOVE being a GRITS!
I hope you all have a great Thursday, and if you are taking exams best of luck!
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Tucker Blair in Your Stocking This Year?
Monday, December 1, 2008
Oh, The Holidays!
Well the holidays were great for me, and I hope y'all's were great too!
We spent Thanksgiving in SC with my cousins...and their METAL DETECTOR! I love a metal detector, and we seriously spent half the day looking for "treasure" (They are 8 and 12!) They are so cute, and it was a lot of fun! It was the best Thanksgiving I have ever had, because for the first time in years, we spent it with my moms family and it was just such a beautiful day!
Well, okay so E and I have been out twice since I last posted, the first time was Sunday night. I got back to school from home around 7:30 and he got here at 8. I had a glass of wine, and we watched a personal favorite, "O Brother Where Art Thou". Could that soundtrack be any better?
We had a great time, the only downfall is I caught the freakin whoopin cough (okay not really, but it feels like it!) while I was home, so I told E I was gonna be lookin like hell, and he better match! I had on my leggins, uggs, and VV green not totally hell haha! We just talked for hours, I eventually had to go to bed at 12:30 because I just felt awful, but as most of you girls do...I faked feeling good for a few hours while he was here! It was well worth it because I love spending time with him!
Then, tonight, I went to see him at Campbell. I left and got there by 7:30, just in time for "Christmas at Campbell", a chorus concert that amazes me! The only semi-awkward part was my ex was singing, and he flashed me a big grin when he saw me!
After the concert, we were heading to get dinner, my ex leaps out in front of us, to say a quick hey. It honestly was so good to see him after 6 or 7 months! He gave me a big hug and then his new girl walked up and introduced herself, she is really sweet and looks a lot like me. I'm not kidding, she really does. Shes really cute though, and I am so glad they are happy! He hugged me again when they left and that makes me realize it is not as awkward as I thought which is such a relief! If he hadn't started dating someone, I never could have started dating E!
After we saw them, we went and ate Mexican and then I went and saw a friend of mine from home who goes to Campbell and it was so so so good to see her!
After that, we went back to the apartment and watched a movie until 12:30!! I couldnt believe where the time went, I still had to drive back to MC!! Haha!
I got back about 2am, but it was such a fun night!
I am seeing him again on Wednesday for dinner and I think I may go there again because it is so much fun, the school is so pretty and it is in such a quiet little town!
I hope everyone had a good Monday!
Monday, November 24, 2008
More Favorite Quotes
. "Real Southern character isn't about mansions and plantations- it's about all ordinary people, of all races and backgrounds, who go the extra mile to live life with dignity, style, class, and pride, even in todays fast and furious world."
. "Southern women are anything but ordinary."
. "Men must understand, that like a Magnolia, you can't trim a GRITS, we are perfect just as we are."
. "One never has to justify buying a strand of pearls".
-common knowledge among Southern women!
. Lessons in Southern grammer
1. Y'all is singular
2. All y'all is plural
3. All y'all's is plural possessive
. "Pretty is as pretty does".
. "Good manners are free, but forgetting them often costs you dearly".
. "Southern women know its improper to visit someone's house without the perfect outfit-ESPECIALLY the house of the Lord"!
. The 3 deadley sins of Southern girls!
1. Bad manners
2. Bad hair
3. Bad blind dates
. "If you don't make fun of yourself, somebodies going to do it for you".
. "Religious or not, GRITS always follow the Ten Commandments: We don't steal, lie, cheat, or sass our parents. We don't worship any graven idols, although some of us have been known to be seduced by the engraving on a dollar bill...".
. "Southerners live by the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you". Thats the Foundation of Life down here.
. "Porches are an important part of Southern life".
. "All well-raised Southern girls know it's far easier to get forgiveness than permission".
Oh and a personal favorite from Emily Post:
"Politeness is to do and say, the kindest thing in the kindest way"!
. "Just keep smilin' darlin', and keep workin' to make the world a better place".
. "A worthy cause is the best medicine in life, and it doesn't taste half bad goin' down"!
Favorite Quotes
I have been reading up on a lot of my favorite girly books lately since I know I will be getting more for Christmas.
I am going to list some of my favorite parts from each book that I think everyone should hear! They are such great quotes.
The first book is GRITS Friends Are Forevah
. "No one is better than I am, nor am I better than anyone else. Keep an open mind when meeting a new person. If you don't judge her before you know her, you may find the woman with the bad attitude, frizzy hair, and moth-eaten coat could be your new best friend".
. "No GRITS worth her mothers china would ever leave the house without being ready to face the world. Look presentable".
. "A Southern lady wont praise herself, but her GRITS girlfriends will praise her to the skies".
. "If you're too busy to make friends, honey, you're too busy for life"!
. "Southern Pearls don't sweat, we glisten"!
. "My mother is so southern, she has all these sayings like 'The blonder you are, the better you look!' "
-Reese Witherspoon
. "We Southerners don't sit around feeling sorry for ourselves-if we did, we'd never have come through war, racial tension, and the occasional losing football season to be the wonderful region that we are- we pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and start over FRESH".
. "I think the giggle of a Southern girl could just about charm the bark off a pine tree".
. "Livings not about the things we can do, its about the people we love".
. To those who have received honors, awards, and distinctions, I say well done! And to the C students, I say that you, too, may someday be President of the United States".
. More to come...I have to go to class.
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Thursday, November 20, 2008
Oh, What Fun!
Tonight, actually all of today was just wonderful!
I had class from 9:30 to 1:40. Then I came home and got ready to go intern! I didn't know what it would hold today because there wasn't a lot going on.
I got to go out with the photographer I usually go with, and we started by...hahaha! Going to see a sign put up by PETA over a bridge on the highway that said "Thanksgiving is Murder on Turkeys!!"...bitch please! I take pride in helping eat a 22 pound turkey every year! They are suggesting "Tofu Turkey", and also say "Lets make the holidays a celebration of life, and not about a murdered tortured bird on your table this year!!"...again, bitch please! I have, and always will eat a turkey! This was all on the press release, which I just wanted to frame for a good laugh. I do agree with PETA in the stance that animal cruelty is wrong, but I just don't know, I love my Thanksgiving turkey!
When we got there, there were 2 cop cars, and we asked where the sign was, and they said they were not allowing PETA to put it up! I leaned out of the live truck and said, please tell me you are a Turkey fan?! He said, girl I eat a 22 pounder every year!
Thanksgiving is wonderful, and turkey is so good, maybe tofu turkey next year...
Anyways so after that we went to Kenley, NC to meet a reporter there to attend a funeral for a victim of a tornado earlier that week. It was the absolute sweetest, saddest, and also shortest funeral I have ever attended!
On the way, we had to stop for gas, so unfortunately, we stopped at "Big Bills Home Away From Home Truck Stop"...YAY!
I really had to buy a phone car charger because my phone died and so while the photographer was getting gas, I tra-la-la-la-la'd my way into the truck stop in my black dress and pink scarf! Im not scared! Well, then a nice man in camo that looked an awful lot like Daniel Boone held the door for me and said "here ya go pretty lady". I just smiled and said thanks, I had little to no other options because, I was in Hickville USA and I didn't have my diva defense...I just wanted to get my phone charger and get the hell outta there!
I ended up buying my charger, and standing in line for 10 minutes just looking around at all that Big Bills had to offer.
When we got to Kenley, it was such a small town, I just love small towns! I want to research and pick a really small one to live in after I graduate so I can start fresh! Also, its much easier to be well known in a small town, I will gladly take on the role of "town celebrity"...really its no hassle at all!
Anyways, so when we went into the funeral home, I noticed that the reporter from ABC 11 had my yellow JCrew coat, so right after we entered the church, I looked at her and said "I know this isn't the time or place, but I have that coat, and I too am a fan of JCrew!" She looked and me and smiled and we talked about how great the coat fit us, until a lady in front of me gave me a glare! I cant blame her though...whoops! It truly was a beautiful funeral, and when the family walked in I started to tear up because the poor husband got badly injured in the tornado as well! Afterwards, they happily gave us interviews, and they were very sweet.
Once I saw the reporter that we met up with when we got there, I looked up at Jesus and said "Thank you!"
What made me really like him was the fact that during the prayer most reporters were texting, but he was praying...and really concentrating! It was so sweet! I love guys that pray because I love to pray!
Ever since I saw him pray, I knew I liked him. We spent a good 3 hours talking/working together, and I really hope I get to work with him again! He is a good southern boy from SC and has the BEST reminds me of James Marsdens in "The Notebook"!
I got home around 1am and talked to my roommate who also had a hot date tonight! I love girl talk! Especially at 1am!
I hope you have a great Friday!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
I just finished typing my Christmas list!
I organize it so well so that my mom and dad can see exactly what I want, how much it is, what color, and the and/or phone number where they can order it is attached too...basically NO EXCUSES I give every option! Haha!
I really don't need a thing! However, I am asking for my tanning machine, that would be a huge plus, especially because I got asked if I was sick twice today! My lips were really pale...and oh so was the rest of my body! I get so white in the winter, if I was sitting still I would look dead. Its really disturbing! Glad I have blonde hair, so at least it looks a little normal.
I also asked for a lot of other things! I always make my list extra long so there is a lot to choose from! I definitely don't expect everything but my parents do take extra good care of me and my brother and sister each Christmas, I feel so blessed!
My favorite part of Christmas is waking up to the alarm I set every year for 3am, and going to see what I got, then sneaking back to bed until 6 when my brother and sister wake me up. Its a good day!
I really cant wait for Thanksgiving and Christmas and just being at home with extended family, and spending time with my family for over a month! I am so excited! My cousin Morgan is coming from Florida for Thanksgiving. There should be over 20 of us at the lake, and I always love seeing her!
Here are some of the books I am asking for, they look so good!
-What Would Audrey Do?
-Jane Austen's Guide to Good Manners
-Essentially Lilly: A Guide to Colorful Entertaining
-Better Than Beauty: A Guide to Charm
-As A Lady Would Say : Responses to Life's Important (and Sometimes Awkward) Situations
-How To Be A Lady A Contemporary Guide To Common Courtesy
-How to Live Like a Lady: Lessons in Life, Manners, and Style
-The Art of Civilized Conversation: A Guide to Expressing Yourself With Style and Grace
-Taste: Acquiring What Money Can't Buy
-Suck Your Stomach In and Put Some Color On!: What Southern Mamas Tell Their Daughters that the Rest of Y'all Should Know Too
-ADHD & Me: What I Learned from Lighting Fires at the Dinner Table
-The Complete Manual of Things That Might Kill You: A Guide to Self-Diagnosis for Hypochondriacs
-Beauty Confidential: The No Preaching, No Lies, Advice-You'll- Actually-Use Guide to Looking Your Best
LOVE these books so much! Why can't my school offer a class on etiquette, I would just love that!Have a great Thursday!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
I don't know about y'all, but I am a BIG fanatic of WebMD! I read it more then my etiquette books, and thats saying alot! Anyways, I was reading my daily e-mails, and I got THIS!
Popular Diet Frozen Food RecalledI am not too happy right now, Lean Cuisine is a personal favorite! I mean, me and the girls are always buying them because they are so easy for a quick lunch/dinner. I am really surprised about this frozen food crisis, I am pretty sure I didn't swallow any blue plastic, but eww...thats gross. How in the world does blue plastic get into frozen food?
Nestle Prepared Foods Co. is recalling 879,565 pounds of frozen Lean
Cuisine chicken meals. The frozen meals may contain small pieces of
hard blue plastic.
> Get package and product details on this recall.
While i'm talking about WebMD, has anyone heard about this new banana diet that is ALL the rage in Japan right now? It was also featured on WebMD tonight, and so many Japanese people are doing it There was a shortage of bananas in Japan! I kind of want to try it, for a week or so!
I've Been Tagged! 6th Photo Game
My blog friend Kentucky Katie tagged me. I was to go to my 6th picture folder and find my 6th picture. Here is what I found!
This is really old...I took it at the Carolina Cup 2 years ago, and it was the 6th picture in my 6th folder. I havent looked at these in forever, what a fun post! haha...okay I tag Rick Rack and Pom Poms, Puttin on the G.R.I.T.S, and whoever would like to do

What a Week Already!
OMG! Its so cold outside, and it ACTUALLY snowed today for the first time. I was so so so excited! I was sitting in class thinking where was this snow an hour ago!?
Well today has just been busy, I am so fed up with my English class I could scream, but instead I am rewriting ALL of my papers and taking them to my ditsy male teacher tomorrow with all my attitude and politely, but SERIOUSLY demanding that he take all of my revisions! You girls have got to understand, the English department here is great but its a little bit too much at times! Its just very rigorous, and I don't intend to learn every ounce of Shakespeare because I just don't care to do so! I get that it's important, but my Lord! I understand going to a liberal arts school makes for a more well rounded person, as they put it, but you know what being well rounded doesn't just come from the classroom! I believe that it comes from the kind of person you are, especially outside of the classroom! I have just never written a good paper, because I always write exactly like I talk and that doesn't always work. Luckily, he is very easy to suck up to, and he keeps telling me I have a B in his class! He is a retired business man, so maybe he just doesn't care and will really give me a B. Oh well, I am just gonna keep on smiling and pray for a good outcome.
On a lighter note, I bought these really comfortable ugg boots today and I am in love! I have been wearing my new VV fleeces, leggins, and uggs for 2 days and I am in Heaven!
So, I have been reading my "What Would Jackie Do" book today and I started right around lunch and just finished! I highlighted all of the good parts and oh my gosh I just love her!
Here are some of my favorite things about her!
-She got Vitamin B injections when she was tired...I get those too!! More because my B12 is low, but how funny!
-She did therapy at least twice a week because she loved to bitch about everyday annoyances and nobody ever had to know, she said it was money well spent...that part made me laugh! But she is probably right, it is probably not a bad idea!
-She loved Lilly!
-She gave great ways to prevent aging, and stress!
-She was a reporter for a newspaper!
-She treated everyone like they were the most important person in the room, and that is why she was one of the most loved women in America by everyone! She was just sweet to everyone! (This is such an important life lesson!)
-Lastly, her style and charm are classic!
I love the book, and I have mentioned it multiple times on here, so if you haven't read it yet, go get it!
I am going on Saturday for a tour of Charlotte Broadcasting School, in Charlotte, NC! I am really looking forward to it, I haven't told my parents yet because I have started doing more and more for myself and relying on myself to get things done and chase my dreams. I hate to bug them about what I want to do until I can prove it will be done!
This school is amazing! I would obviously still go to college, but this school offers a 4 month program with 4 phases.
1. Class Time where I would learn techniques and terms used within news
2. Practice Time where I would get to be in front of a camera in their studio and practice my speech and writing skills.
3. Demo Tape where I would produce and record my own demo tape which would have around 30 stories.
4. Lifelong job placement which is where the school will let me use their studio whenever I need it, as well as help me to find a secure job upon graduating college!
There are campus' all around America, but Charlotte is close to home so I will go there!
I am also applying to The American Academy of Dramatic Arts summer program in Los Angeles. It looks really great, and very hands on so I am looking forward to seeing what comes of it.
Lastly, I am applying for the year long Broadcasting Journalism program at New York Film Academy. I am simply applying to see what happens, and then I can make the choice of what I want to do.
I would clearly wait until I graduate to do either of the last 2 programs that I listed.
On another note, Wallace this weekend was so much fun! I went home with one of my roommates, and the first night we got there kind of late so we just hung out for a little bit and then headed to bed. Saturday, we went to Wilmington to shop and we saw Milly from "One Tree Hill" near the J Crew we had just come out of...I wanted to get her autograph, but I am sure she hates being bothered in public, so we just stood in shock for a second and continued our shopping! We also went to Marshalls and TJ Maxx, who both by the way have the cutest shoes right now!
That night, we went to a concert and the band was amazing! If they had a CD, I would have gotten it! They sounded alot like Dave Matthews Band!
After the concert, we went back to my friends house and watched "Scarlet Takes A Tumble" for the millionth time! If you haven't seen that, I posted the link in another post, and you NEED to go watch it because its hilarious!
Last night, my friend and I went to the mall to do some retail therapy (which I do believe is real therapy! It works every time!) I went to look at the Lilly because it was rumored she was having a sale, and SHE WAS! I know I shouldn't have, but I walked out with a new Lilly Oxford Pink Shirt Dress. It is really cute, and I know I will wear it a lot! In fact, I cant wait to wear it to church this Sunday!
I hope y'all are having a good Tuesday!
Friday, November 14, 2008
LOVE This Survey and I Have Always Wanted to Take It!
- I am 5′4 or shorter.
- I think I'm ugly.
- I have many scars. (I have so many scars from where I had skin spots removed or where melanoma was removed...oh well!)
- I wish my hair was a different color. ( BLONDER BABY!)
- I have friends who have never seen my natural hair color.
- I have a tattoo.
- I am self-conscious about my appearance.
- I have/I've had braces.
- I wear glasses. (I want fake reading glasses, they make me look smarter!)
- I'd get/have gotten plastic surgery if it were 100% safe, free, scar-free. (Just for skin cancer on my back, but its so funny to tell people I've had plastic surgery!)
- I've been told I'm attractive by a complete stranger.
- I have freckles. (Tons!)
Family/Home Life:
- I've sworn at my parents.
- I've run away from home.( I was 5 and I took all of my trophies and my blanket and moved to the garage for a few hours because I was a mad little girl!)
- I've been kicked out of the house.
- My biological parents are together.
- I have a sibling less than one year old.
- I want to have kids someday.
- I have children.
- I've lost a child.
- I've slipped out a "LOL" in a spoken conversation.
- Disney movies still make me cry.
- I've snorted while laughing.
- I've laughed so hard I've cried.
- I've glued my hand to something. (My eye, long story, but it happened...a little eye drop super glue mix-up!)
- I've laughed till some kind of beverage came out of my nose.
- I've had my trousers rip in public.
- I was born with a disease/impairment.
- I've had stitches.
- I've broken a bone.
- I've had my tonsils removed.
- I've sat in a doctor's office with a friend.
- I've had my wisdom teeth removed.
- I've had serious surgery.
- I've had chicken pox.
- I've driven over 200 miles in one day.
- I've been on a plane.
- I've been to Canada.
- I've been to Niagara Falls.
- I've been to Japan.
- I've been to Europe.
- I've been to Africa.
- I've been lost in my city.
- I've seen a shooting star.
- I've wished on a shooting star.
- I've seen a meteor shower.
- I've gone out in public in my pajamas.
- I've pushed all the buttons in a lift.
- I've been to a casino.
- I've been skydiving.
- I've gone skinny dipping
- I've played spin the bottle.
- I've crashed a car.
- I've been in a play.
- I've met someone in person from the Internet.
- I've caught a snowflake on my tongue.
- I've seen the Northern Lights.
- I've sat on a roof top at night.
- I've played chicken.
- I've seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show.
- I've eaten Sushi.
- I've been snowboarding.
- I'm single.
- I'm in a relationship.
- I'm available.
- I'm engaged.
- I'm married.
- I've gone on a blind date.
- I've been the dumpee more than the dumper.
- I have a fear of abandonment.
- I've been divorced.
- I've had feelings for someone who didn't have them back.
- I've told someone I loved them when I didn't.
- I've told someone I didn't love them when I did.
- I've kept something from a past relationship.
- I've had a crush on someone of the same gender.
- I've kissed a member of the same gender.
- I've had sex with someone of the same gender.
- I've had sex with more than one person at the same time.
- I am a cuddler.
- I've been kissed in the rain.
- I've hugged a stranger.
- I have kissed a stranger.
- I have had sex with a stranger.
- I've done something I promised someone else I wouldn't.
- I've done something I promised myself I wouldn't.
- I have lied to my parents about where I am.
- I am keeping a secret from the world.
- I've cheated while playing a game.
- I've cheated on a test.
- I've driven through a red light.
- I've witnessed a crime.
- I've been in a fist fight.
- I've been arrested.
- I've shoplifted.
- I've consumed alcohol.
- I smoke pot.
- I regularly drink.
- I've taken painkillers when I didn't need them.
- I've taken cough medicine when I wasn't sick.
- I've done hard drugs.
- I've been addicted to an illegal substance.
- I can't swallow pills.
- I can swallow about 5 pills at a time no problem.
Mental health:
- I have been diagnosed with depression.
- I shut others out when I'm depressed.
- I take anti-depressants.
- I have had an eating disorder.
- I've slept an entire day when I didn't need it.
- I've hurt myself on purpose.
- I'm addicted to self harm.
- I've woken up crying.
- I'm afraid of dying.
- I hate funerals.
- I've seen someone dying.
- I have attempted suicide.
- Someone close to me has attempted suicide.
- Someone close to me has committed suicide.
- I can sing well.
- I've stolen a tray from a fast food restaurant.
- I open up to others too easily.
- I watch the news.
- I don't kill bugs.
- I hate hearing songs that sacrifice meaning for sake of being able to rhyme.
- I swear regularly.
- I am a morning person
- I paid for my mobile phone ring tone.
- I'm a snob about grammar.
- I am a sports fanatic.
- I play with my hair.
- I have/had "x"s in my screen name.
- I love being neat.
- I love Spam.
- I've copied more than 30 CD's in a day.
- I bake well.
- I don't know how to shoot a gun.
- I am in love with love.
- I am guilty of tYpInG lIkE tHiS.
- I eat fast food weekly.
- I believe in ghosts.
- I am online 24/7, even as an away message.
- I can't sleep if there is a spider in the room.
- I am really ticklish.
- I love white chocolate.
- I bite my nails.
- I play video games.
- I'm good at remembering faces.
- I'm good at remembering names.
- I'm good at remembering dates.
- I have no idea what I want to do for the rest of my life.
Finally Back on Track!
I am finally back to blogging! It has been a good but eventful few weeks.
I don't really know where to start, so much has happened but nothing really major or funny. I have decided to go to Wallace this weekend with my friends and get my hair done next weekend. I cant decide whether to go see a band with my one roomate, or go to a birthday party with the other one! I will have to decide by 5. Both things sound so fun, and I dont want to hurt anyone's feelings!
This past week my brother made it to the soccer play offs, (I was one more proud sister!) my roommate and I surprised him and drove 5 hours from Raleigh to Shelby with self made pink and green tee-shirts to cheer him on with my mom and sister and all of the other fans! My dad was traveling thank the Lord, I really prefer him gone when i'm home. We got to the field about 7:00 Wednesday and got up around 6am Thursday to head back to Raleigh, it was worth every minute to get to spend time with my sweet family, and cheer Sambo on. Surprisingly, we didn't get lost on the way at all, although we did have a few close calls on the road! As you all know my driving record isnt spectacular or anything, but this time it was absolutely not my fault! This mini-van came up an exit ramp the wrong way! I was rapping away to "Here I Am"-great song!, anyways so this land whale is coming up the exit ramp like there is no tomorrow and I have to just pull to the side, I am screaming at her...but obviously she cannot hear me! I have a little bit of road rage in me! HAHA, and my roommate lays on my horn...I really prefer not to use my horn often because it can be so rude! This time, it was necessary! It was such a fun mini- road trip. We have decided we are driving to LA and back before we graduate, all 4 of us! I personally love road trips and riding in the car!
Last night, we all went to the Ducks Unlimited Banquet in Raleigh, I had the best time! They only had XL tee shirts, but that didn't stop me! I bought one, and am desperately trying to shrink it in the washer machine! When we got there, we had this great BBQ, and I of course had a G&T in my monogrammed tumbler! So much fun! They had a beach music band too, which is always great!
OH heres some juicy news! So I am still interning at the news station, and loving every minute! I finally have a tape in progress, but the guy that I work with definitely hit on me! UNAPPRECIATED!
He kept reading over my shoulder when I was texting my friends during a boring event we attended, and he kept asking who I was texting, if I had a boyfriend, who the boy was with me in the picture (I have a picture of me and my best friend as my back drop because HELLO we are in lilly!) and if I told my friends about him...eww! Oh, I should mention he is married with kids! Out of line, I think so! I faked a phone call and left, came home and told the girls ALL about it!
I decided to ignore it, unless it happens again but everything was normal yesterday at work. Everyone is friendly, but I just think that was a little far. I could be overreacting though, who knows!
I was so excited to hear that as a Whale Rep I got a $250.00 gift card from VV for Christmas!! I decided to order two of the Fairwinds Fleece's in Reef Blue and Kelly Green. SO adorable! I asked my mom and sister if they wanted one because I truly felt bad spending it on myself, but my mom said I should spend it on myself, so I did. Oops, I still feel a bit guilty about that one, but I g

I am also getting a promotional package soon, so if I get stickers I will surely give some out on here!
I bought the cutest black Pencil Skirt from Ann Taylor with these hot pink flats with bows! Yes, they are very loud, but they were just me...and they were calling my name in the line to check out, so I bought them!

There are great sales going on right now, and I just cannot wait until after Christmas! OMG! I almost forgot to tell you girls what I want for Christmas! Besides UGG's and clothes, there is one thing that I am just dying for! You are all going to think I am absolutely crazy but thats okay! So I won't lie I have been milking the melanoma card all week with my mom to get her to consider this purchase for Christmas! I (for fun of course) was looking on e-bay at actual spray tan booths...they are a couple thousand dollars so until I get famous and make multi millions a year it really is probably not a practical purchase! SO I found this other really cool tan machine, and it goes in your shower, doesnt stain ANYTHING, and sprays your whole body in 20 seconds! All you ever have to buy are the refils, and clean it with water...yes that is it! It retails for $400.00 but in my opinion, it was featured on the Today Show so it must be worth every penny!!
Alot of the comments in the feedback were from women who had skin cancer and got sick of paying to go to the booths. Personally, I get sick of it too, its so embarassing to be so pale and go to a tanning salon where people look like they just got off of a plane from Hawaii and then pay $30 every time I want to be tan for 7 days, why not buy the machine...see I am very convincing! If only I could sway my parents!

Well girls, thats all I have for now! But I am back, and I will post again soon!!
I hope you have all had a great week!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
I am a horrible blogger this time of year! I am still reading all of yours though, I just have no time to post!
I went to the Ducks Unlimited Banquet with everyone tonight, and oh my gosh it was fun! I got a tee shirt and a koozie, and anytime I get a new tee shirt I am a happy girl!
Until I can find time to post more, here are 2 youtube videos (in this order) that you HAVE GOT TO WATCH! I have never in my life seen anything so funny! I was on the floor for an hour, not to mention I randomly burst out in laughter during classes just thinking about it!
( I love the whole entire video, but you can fast foward to 2:10 and your still going to see the funniest part!)
This is a guys reaction, and OH MY GOSH it is too funny!
I will post again soon.
I am headed either home to get my hair done, or to Wallace with my roommates for a concert?? Oh what to do, I just don't know!
I hope everyone is doing well!
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Its Such A Beautiful Life
I have just been so busy the past few days, and I have been a horrible blogger! Oh well, im back!
I will start with Thursday, the day before Halloween!
That night, I got to go to my internship and I got to go out with a photographer, I always work with the same one and he is a really fun guy to work with! I started my first DEMO TAPE! I have two successful stories on that thing so far thanks to the wonderful people at News 14. They are some of the friendliest most personable people I have ever met. Truth be told, I hated the internship at first because nobody knew I even existed (even in my brightest Lilly, I was invisable! haha!) Anyways, Thursday night, I went first to a trailor park where a 19 year old girl was kidnapped. She was found like 2 hours after it happened though because the dumbass that kidnapped her drove a custom painted car with "Budwiser" written on the hood and doors. This world is just filled with classy people! When the anchor said it on the news, I swear I almost died laughing because I dont know how someone can say that so seriously!
After that, I went to McTeacher Night at McDonalds. I think it is such a great fundraiser, but the name makes me laugh! I saw the cutest kids who all wanted to be on TV. We interviewed alot of people, and got free McDonalds! It was great. McDonalds did this fundraiser and all of the teachers were cooking the food, and serving it. It was really neat to watch!
After that, we went over to "Take Back The Night", a rally to raise awareness for sexual assault and rape at NC State. It was very meaningful and alot of people there were very adamant about putting an end to this stuff. It was great to get to interview them. I am so happy because that was my first story on my demo reel! I also have had the chance over the past few weeks to meet other reporters and photographers from neighboring news stations which has been great for connections, and also everyone is like one big team! It is really just the best job I have ever had!
I have been interviewing for part time jobs in radio and TV because my adviser says im up against 100,000 kids and if I wanna be on the air before I am 30 I better get a job. Well, that just scared me to death but I am pretty sure this is what I am meant to do, so Gods got a plan! Ill be alright! Regardless, I interviewed at a radio station this past week, and sadly it is just not something that I want anything to do with. I turned the job down, but then was offered 2 more part time jobs at neighboring stations, but I just cant take them! One was a Spanish station, i'm sorry but I am in French! I would be miserable! They want me to work Thanksgiving and Christmas too! Now for all of you who want to say "thats the way the world works" I am still 20 and I could never not be with my wonderful family on those 2 holidays!!
I have 1 more interview this week with the biggest radio station in Raleigh, and the hours would be better so I am going to see how it goes. I am very tempted to see if News 14 has any part time jobs because that would get my foot further in the door. I also had the best, most encouraging conversation with the News 14 anchor in my hometown. I got to know her well this summer, and she is so good at what she does! She gave me so many wonderful pieces of advice. I told her my goal was to finish school, work in news for a bit and then go to NYC and go to acting school, thankfully my parents agree with what I wanna do, so I will just see where I go.
Speaking of acting, I got a call back on one of the submissions that I made, CSI:Miami called me!!I know, I was in shock too! They said all I need to do is get more head shots made, and to get a part with them I need to be in NYC permanently. So I didn't get the part, but for them to call was amazing to me! How cool! This girl called and she gave me so much advice and websites to go to and phone numbers to call for acting parts! She told me how to contact casting directors, and gave me her password to use for the sites so I could look around! What an angel!
I feel like my life is really coming together and my dreams are coming true one step at a time!
Anyways, so about Halloween. Thursday we had a party at our house, I actually had to work until 11 because a man was shot and killed at a movie theater so we covered his memorial service which was held at the same theater! I added more to my resume tape! I got done there at 11 and headed home for what would be one of the most fun nights of the year! Yes, my costume was out there, some of you may think I am just the biggest bitch on the planet but thats okay, because I had so much fun in it!! Halloween is the one night you can get away with anything anyway! I kept picking up things for it all week, I will post a picture, because I was... Welfare Barbie!
Another night, for a party we went to in Chapel Hill last Saturday I was a mouse with my friend, we were 2 blind mice because the 3rd one decided to go Anna Kuornakova on us! Haha!
And, finally on Halloween, I went to a friends house for a party, and then we left and went to another party at Delta Sig. I was really tired though, and the cops came so we left and then came home and had a Michael Myers Marathon!
I had to call the cops again last night because 2 men snuck in our basement and were BANGING on the basement door...the cops took 15 minutes to get there, and didn't believe me!! Then they found 2 teenage boys, but still said they were trick-or-treaters and we shouldn't worry so much! Assholes, I will worry if I want to! Quite the Halloween!
Here are some pictures of Halloween and one more from Ring Dinner!

Thursday, October 30, 2008
Hurry Up!
I know, I know I am a slack blogger lately!
It has been quite the busy (but oh so fun and adventourous) week in the News Room! I cant wait to post videos and pictures for you soon! I am going to post tonight, or tommorrow, so pelase girls, don't stop reading!
I have truly loved reading all of your blogs, though I havent posted, I have been reading. You all bring such a smile to my face, and you are all like "friends" to me! Thank you for making my blog a part of your day!
Until I post, I dont know if you know this but I am a huge fan of Nancy Grace!! I want to work for her so badly! She can be brutal, but I really respect how she truly gives her opinion and speaks the truth most of the time! Here is my favorite video!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
The Ring Dinner!
Last night was the biggest night of junior year for a Meredith College girl. It was the night we got our Onyx rings! Every girl has to wait for junior year to get their Onyx, it is a huge deal, and it was very exciting!
The dinner was absolutely beautiful, and our little sis' came and sung to us! I have 3 lil's but only 1 that I am really close to and she came and brought me the cutest gift! She hand painted, in pink and green of course, this adorable little pottery box for me to keep my ring in! It is so pretty!
After the Ring Dinner, I went over to my friends apartment where all of my favorite girls were! We just sat, talked, and took more pictures for at least 3 hours! It was a night that I will never forget.

Friday, October 24, 2008
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Joe Biden and the Fatal Car Crash!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Its About to be the Most Wonderful Time of the Year
Well, it has been a great morning. In English class today, I took my Kate Spade:Style with me because we were watching a movie but obviously reading a Kate Spade book tops any educational video that I may be forced into watching. My teacher is just very old and so he fell asleep 15 minutes into the movie. I spent my 11 oclock hour reading about little black dresses, Lilly Pulitzer, and beautiful overcoats.
While I am talking about clothes, please look at this adorable tweed coat from J Crew that my mother snagged on ebay! I am so excited about this! I have a yellow tweed coat that I absolutely love to wear with all of my black dresses, jeans, anything! It is just beautiful. Now I will have one in pink too!
My style is very simple. I prefer dresses over anything because it is one piece, and one piece can say so much! I love little black day dresses, especially when paired with a tweed coat. Just a beautiful outfit. So Classic!
I love to wear black, white, and Lilly. If I wear a color, it is most likely Lilly Pulitzer, otherwise black is my best color. Although, I have found that hot pink is a good color on me too! I also love red! I am a fan of classic clothes, and I do not go with normal trends. Every day I am usually found in either a pair of black leggings with a north face, or a polo sweatshirt with my hair pulled in a low pony tail, ribbon optional! OR, I am wearing a day dress, with a coat. Usually this time of year I like to pair tights and a scarf (preferably the Burberry scarf that I found while on my NYC trip!) with my dresses and suits. I wish I was a princess so that I could wear a classic dress, or suit every day for the rest of my life! Who needs anything else? One thing that I am absolutely dying to add to my wardrobe and wear until the end of time would be a kelly green, black, or hot pink Burberry quilted coat. I am just dying for one but I cannot spend $325 on a jacket for myself, because first off I do not have a steady job, and secondly I would feel so guilty! I have been looking on e-bay, because maybe someday I will buy it. I don't want my parents to buy it for me, because I doubt that would happen, and I feel like that is something that I should buy for myself because it is such a ridiculous purchase!
On to my next topic of conversation: Christmas Gifts!
I am planning to buy wonderful Christmas gifts for my family this year, we have all had quite the year and they all deserve the world! I just wish I had a way to give it to them! In reality, my parents will as always make Christmas an absolute dream come true! They always get us what we ask for, and Christmas is always a great day to wake up in the morning! In my imagination, however, I would love to be able to buy each member of my family a gift but since I really do not have a job with the exception of babysitting, my funds are limited unless I were to tell my parents my plan! I have these extravagant gifts that I would love to give to each member of my family, maybe one day when I take Kelly Ripa's place and become a multi millionaire, I will do it! My dream gift to my amazing mother would be a new sports car, or maybe a beach house! Realistically, I would love to get her some beautiful jewelry this year! My dad, hes always wanted socks from me...they always make him happy, I think because hes always in his suit so socks from Brooks Brothers this year! My brother is always happy with gift cards, but I would love to be able to give him something really cool like some Brooks Brothers Oxfords. Maybe a pink, and blue. My sister, shes easy! I am getting her a giftcard from a store in Cameron Village!! Thats what she has requested this year!
My parents have always taken such good care of my brother, sister, and I since we were born obviously, but each Christmas they always make us so happy! Since turning 20 I would love to be able to buy them gifts as a surprise because I think it would be great to spend my own money and buy them all something cute! Usually every one makes a list and we all go get each other what we want. Its fun!
I cannot wait for Project Santa to start!
Project Santa is this organization that my grandfather started 51 years ago this year! It is truly amazing, and I have been counting down since New Years because I am just so excited about it!
It usually begins after Thanksgiving. That is when my father and grandfather begin checking out families and going to schools in the county that we help out. We do this until mid December. We meet some adorable kids, and you know some of the parents are awful parents, but some of them truly are good people who just hit a bump in the road. Each year I truly enjoy getting to know each one of them even better!
After we check out all of the families, the process begins!!
See, Food Lion was founded in my hometown and they are so sweet because they always donate thousands of dollars in food each year! It really pays to know people! They give hams and turkeys! The day that truck pulls into the little church in Denton is the day the fun begins! After the truck comes and drops off the food, we always get a group picture in front of it with the sweet driver! I remember leaving high school, driving to Denton for this picture, then going back to school! For at least three days after the truck comes, we begin assembling food and fruit boxes! This is not my favorite part, but its alright! The boxes line the halls of the church, as well as the daycare room which we take over every year! It is really amazing to see hoe quickly this work gets done, and it is a sight to see when all of those boxes line the hallways! You can just feel the warmth and know that by assembling just one box a needy family will be blessed with food at Christmas time!
Everyone that helps with anything to do with Project Santa is a volunteer, and it is always the same wonderful faces every year ready to work hard and have fun, while catching up from the year we have all been apart! I love that I see some of these faces once a year, but I have seen them every year since I was 5!
After we finish food boxes, we go and deliver them to each family or they come pick them up. Sometimes, the line is out the door and I recognize all of those faces too! It is so fun to see everyone, and talk to them about how things are going. The children are always ready to "see Santa!". Each year, some of the families have a new baby, or a new story to tell, and I am always ready to listen! Sometimes they feel guilty, but I tell them "honey it is a win win situation, we get to help you at Christmas, and it makes my year to be able to work on Project Santa!".
Last year was the trademark year in the life of Project Santa! It was the 50th year, and it was HUGE. My father and grandfather are the exact opposite of me because they HATE any kind of attention! Regardless, Our State Magazine came and did a piece on Project Santa while we were making all of the food boxes! It was great, my dad and I got a picture and that was the last time I remember him being all put-together before he had a rough year that year! He has a way of exhibiting a very professional attitude even if he is having a bad day.
About the week before Christmas, my cousins, brother, sister, dad, grandfather, mom, and the Biscoe's (two HILARIOUS people who help out a lot) all go to the Wal-Mart in Thomasville and fill up carts until the toy isle is BARE! It is so so so much fun! I just throw CD's, DVD's, baby dolls, bikes, games, toys, make-up kits, any and everything a child could want into these buggies! People in the store just stare at us. One time we had 10 carts in line within the first hour, and this guy says to my friend "how many kids you got?" He said "500" because thats how many we have every year! The guy was a little taken back and didn't understand! haha.
After we go to Wal-Mart we go back to the church and unload everything! I hate that part too, so I usually take my "lunch break". In case you cant tell, manual labor just isn't one of my top qualities.
Anyways, i'm going to get to the best part because y'all can't read this blog all day!!
CHRISTMAS EVE! I am kind of love hate on this one because I know that in a sense families should be at home Christmas Eve and I feel guilty about not being home, but wait until you hear this!
Last year because it was 50 years, all kinds of reporters came out! Well, Channel 12 didn't bring one, and at the time I was a Religious Studies major not even considering reporting, it was merely a dream! I asked the camera guy if I could please help in some way! He let me put together a whole package on Project Santa! I got to interview numerous families, hold the stick mic, and record footage with my voice over. It was wonderful! That night was the night that I knew I wanted to be a reporter for the rest of my life!
Anyways, but most Christmas Eve's are not like that! Usually, I am an Elf, and I go with a Santa (a man volunteer who dresses up!) We usually have 12 Santa's. Anyways, so we get in a van and go on our route. The routes are made up by my very patient, skilled parents! My mom and dad do it every year and are so good at it! Its a pain, i'm sure, but they come out strong! So when we get to a house, the Elf's get the box and follow Santa inside to make a child's Christmas dreams come true! When we get inside, it is most always a very sad situation. I do recall one time, little Junior wanted to show me "his special friend". I said sure, where is he/she. AHHH OUT COMES JUNIORS PET SNAKE! It absolutely scared me to death! Another time, it was raining outside, and Santa gets out and is yelling HO HO HO, and out comes little Bubba a cute 7 year old boy and hes yelling SANTA!! He is so large, that he tackled Santa in the mud! HILARIOUS, but what a memory! The last time that comes to mind was when we went to a house with beautiful twin girls! Santa was giving them a hug, but they kept trying to pull his beard, so he said "go hug the elves" Well they come over to us, and are just everywhere so we are like go open your presents! Their mother told us as we left that the girls had a pending case of head lice!!!!! AHHHH, my word, no warning! Luckily, none of us got it but its things like that that I always remember! They make me laugh!
Christmas Eve is the best part, but it goes by so fast! Its a good months worth of work for about 3 hours on Christmas Eve. Christmas wouldn't be the same without Project Santa for me, its wonderful!
A few days before Christmas we go and see my mothers side of the family. It is always so much fun! My grandmother makes the best food! Then, we all open presents and go on a walk after lunch! My cousins are really cute because they are a lot younger so we always play soccer in the yard after our walk! I don't get to see them that often because we live a little ways apart so when I do see them, it always brings a smile. I wish we all lived like 30 minutes from each other, I would love to be able to see them more often. The thing with my mothers side of the family, is that we all have very busy lives which is also a good thing!
I am so excited, because I think that my mother is going to have Thanksgiving at our house this year! I love doing that because it is an all day affair! Her decorations are out of this world, and the food is amazing! I always claim to be carrying "Holiday Weight" for at least 3 months after the fact because I EAT SO MUCH! I'm looking forward to it!
Do any of you have any Christmas Traditions?
Have a great Wednesday!
Do any of you have any fun traditions on Christmas