Hey y'all!
While I was in New York City filming and visiting some friends over Spring Break, a few of us went inside the beautiful
New York Public Library!
It was so gorgeous, and historic! We spent probably close to 2 hours just wandering around, looking at everything! Think about how many movies have been filmed there, I HAD to watch Sex and the City afterward! (Wasn't her wedding there)?!
Anyways, we spent a lot of time in the bookstore, and they had everything! I almost bought "Jane Austen's Guide to Good Manners"! That would make 58 etiquette books, but instead I bought this book I have been wanting FOREVER!
Vanity Fair's Proust Questionnaire.
It has all of these fabulous people's surveys, and it was really fun to read their answers. Annette Bening is my FAVORITE actress, alongside Claire Danes, and duh Kelly Ripa! Her survey was really fun, shes a trip!
Also, Julie Andrews, Ray Charles, Tony Bennett, and so many others made my wait in the airport worth it!
I was so shocked to see that many of the celebrities, including Julie Andrews thought that Chastity, Piousness, and Virginity were the most overrated virtues. LAWD I did not see that coming, oops! I hate to be the last virgin on earth, but you know, that's just how it goes!
Here are a few of my favorite (that I could find) Proust Surveys!
Julie Andrews!My FAVORITE supastar, Bette Midler!My favorite News Guru, Katie Couric! Shes practically my hero!My favorite tennis player, Rafael Nadal! ELLEN!My favorite "Golden Girl"Betty White! He won 10 World Series Rings!My favorite song is "You're So Vein"!
LOVE me some Dustin Hoffman!
Martha Stewart, think SNL Christmas Special! Bahaha!
I'm gonna tag anyone who wants to do this! Fill it out, and y'all can pass it on!
What is your idea of perfect happiness?
Heaven. New York is a close 2nd.
What is your greatest fear?
The death of a loved one, the dark, & Hilary Clinton's wardrobe...bitch needs a stylist!
The quality you most admire in a man?I love a good side part! Also, a sense of humor, kindness, style, and confidence!
The quality you most admire in a woman?Wit & Humor
What is your greatest extravagance?Lilly Pulitzer shift dresses
, trips to New York City,
& etiquette books
What do you dislike most about your appearance?I have the neck of a giraffe. Maybe it could shrink, and my legs could grow a few inches?!
Which living person do you most admire?
What is the trait you most deplore in yourself?
I am an incurable workaholic, and don't have the slightest clue how to relax!
What is the trait you most deplore in others?
Having no sense of humor & arrogance, I despise people like this!
What is your greatest regret?That I wasn't alive to invest in stock when Ralph Ketner founded Food Lion in my hometown!
On what occasion do you lie?1. My parents don't need to know everything
2.Deb Season scared me enough to know that lying to avoid hurting someone you care about, or when I need to get out of an event I really don't want to go to...is just ok!
3. Ive been known to
exaggerate my stories
a little bit, but they are so much funnier, sorry im not sorry!
What is your favorite journey?
My life journey, every day. I love being alive! Currently, my journey OUT of Meredith College, and back to NYC is high on the list. Also, any journey I take on a plane, I love flying
What do you consider the most overrated virtue?
Silence-it's boring, and for those like me who have a touch of a.d.d, it's impossible.
Which words or phrases do you most overuse?
1. I spend 10 hours out of my day laughing, but I don't think laughter ever gets old.
2. "Honest to God..."
3. "Y'all"
4. I love putting "Bitch" at the end of most of my sentences.
5. I say "Love it" way to much!
What or who is the greatest love of your life?I won't say who, but I will always regret never saying anything! Also, my family & friends. I love love love writing & sending out resumes/cover letters. I probably send out close to 15 a day! Is that an addiction?!
When and where were you happiest?
The Summer of 2009 in New York City, I met some of my best friends! Also, working at the HIR, and living with family and friends on Wrightsville Beach, NC! Everyone I got to know is so incredibly sweet and I just LOVED it!
Which talent would you most like to have?to sing with the voice of Whitney Houston! Too much?!
What is your current state of mind?
Enthusiastic & Curious.
What do you consider your greatest achievement?
I haven't achieved it yet.
If I had to choose, it would be having 2 successful resumes. 1 consisting of 9 internships, 3 jobs, and tons of extracurriculars, and the other consisting of my talent credits.
What is your most treasured possession?
My family & friends, my Volvo, my therapist, my etiquette books, my doctor who prescribes my pharmaceuticals and B12 injections to keep the metabolism in check ;), & my diamond bracelet & ring that I got for my 16th and 21st birthday from mother.
Where would you like to live?
Wrightsville Beach. I would live right beside the loop, and on the sound. Real talk, I wanna live in Seapath Estates! I already have my favorite house/dock picked out! That way, I could work at HIR, film for work, walk the loop, and live in one of my favorite places all day ery day!
New York City, because its so fast paced! It feels like home there! I would love to live there with everyone from 09', work, & network. I would absolutely love it!
You know what? Maybe i'll start my life in the City, & move back to the beach with my future family! What a plan!
...Im such a dreamer!
Realistically, I would love to live wherever I can work as a professional actress, so I guess i'll be investing in, & living out of a festive RV for my cross country trips to audition!
What is your favorite occupation?Headhunter, and of course professional actress.
What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery?
Obesity, that must suck!
What is your most marked characteristic?
I'm sure it differs depending on who you ask BUT, my wit & humor are my personal favs.
What do you most value in your friends?
My friends are Angels, we bring out the best in each other! Love them!
How would you like to die?
I wouldn't like it.
However, when I do I hope to die remembered; Preferably with my name on a Hollywood Star!
If you could choose a person or thing to come back as, what would it be?
Duh!! Kelly Ripa! I would already be a millionaire by now. She took a risk, dropped out of college, got cast in a Soap Opera, and of course married her hot husband, Mark Consuelos!
Also, I would love to be the Tory Burch Flat's that a celebrity is wearing daily! I would look great, and get to walk around so many fabulous places!
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?I want to feel less guilty, and I would love to laugh more!
What is your motto?
“Nobody puts Baby in a corner.”